Tag Archives: waterproof

Vessi Shoes | Local Pop-Up Store | 100% Waterproof Footwear

Vessi Footwear Pop-Up Shoppe | Vancouver | 1151 Robson Street | December 14, 15, 16 2018

While the members of our federal and provincial governments, and our newly-elected City Council, Park Board and School Board set about to do the work of the angels to make ours a freer, more welcoming, fairer and more just nation, province, city and region, the “big issues” of the day — given that for the first time in nearly 50 years, we are experiencing progressive governance at all three levels of government — are auspiciously and dutifully (if haltingly, at times) being taken care of, which is all to the good for Canadians, and particularly meaningful for all of us during this most festive and warm-hearted of seasons of good will.

Have you ever noticed, though, that while in the larger world — at work, with family, or with friends or neighbours — all goes well, it is the annoying little things that will tend to get you down, causing frustration and irritation (even if in the greater scheme of these things they don’t really matter): the jar that won’t open no matter what you do, the door that won’t close, the car that won’t start, and your shoes, socks and feet that get completely soaked when you step off a curb into a puddle, because there’s just no other option if your going to move forward.

Well, I’ve got the solution for the latter: no wet feet, no wet socks, no wet shoes ever, ever, ever again. Watch this video …

Vessi shoes for women or men mean no more soaked feet during the long winter rainy (or, on some days, snowy) season, no more stepping into puddles or slush and walking to your destination with absolutely freezing cold, soaked feet — that’s a thing of the past with Vessi footwear.

Here’s what I’ve found …

  • The fashionable and ultra-comfortable Vessi shoes are light as a feather, slip onto your feet and then hug the sides of your feet just below your ankle, allowing no water ingress no matter how many puddles you jump through;
  • They’re incredibly easy to clean, almost cleaning themselves;
  • The heel and arch support are just great, and the Vessi shoes are perhaps the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever owned.

So, why bring Vessi shoes to your attention now? Here goes …

Vessi Footwear Pop-Up Shoppe | Vancouver | 1151 Robson Street | December 14, 15, 16 2018

Tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday, the good folks at Vessi Footwear will host one of their very occasional pop-up shoppes, where you can purchase a pair (or more) of their shoes, usually at a deep discount ($99 Canadian, usual price $135 U.S. plus shipping). Vessi Footwear is a Vancouver-based company, started by two, young UBC scientists, who distribute their shoes worldwide — after having raised a million and a half dollars on Kickstarter a couple of years back — and because Vessi is Vancouver-based, we’re the only jurisdiction worldwide where Vessi hosts pop-up shoppes for customers, so that’s good for all of us who live in Vancouver.

So, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday, from 11am til 9pm each day, at 1151 Robson right near the London Drugs, between Thurlow and Bute, you can pick up a pair, or two, of the must-have shoes if you’re a Vancouverite, and if you’re at all interested in keeping your feet warm and dry this winter.