Vancouver Park Board History + Commissioners’ Mandate & Compensation
Established by an 1889 amendment to the Vancouver Incorporation Act, 1886 (later the Vancouver Charter). The Vancouver Park Board is unique not just across Canada, but across North America, as well (and the globe, for that matter), as the sole elected body of its kind, and as British Columbia’s Attorney General, Niki Sharma — herself, a former celebrated Vancouver Park Board Commissioner — recently told VanRamblings, “the Vancouver Park Board is a cherished institution.”
Vancouver Park Board has seven elected commissioners who are charged with determining the policy direction of the institution. The Board’s mandate: “provide, preserve and advocate for Vancouver’s parks and recreation system … to the benefit of the citizens of Vancouver, the many neighbourhoods that comprise our beloved home, the City of Vancouver, and to advocate for the environment, as our parks represent the lungs of our city, contributing to the health of the community.”
Commissioners are elected at large every four years, with a chair and vice-chair elected by the Commissioners each December, their term to begin at the first meeting of Park Board Commissioners, in January, following the holiday break. At present the Vancouver Park Board Chairperson is Brennan Bastyovanszky, the Vice-Chairperson Scott Jensen, Park Board Committee Chairperson (the body which hears public presentations, and where all the “real” work of the Commissioners takes place), Laura Christensen, with Scott Jensen Vice-Chair.
Vancouver Park Board Commissioners | L-R: Jas Virdi (ABC), Marie-Claire Howard (ABC), Tom Digby (Green), Angela Haer (ABC), Independents: Scott Jensen, Brennan Bastyovanszky, Laura Christensen
Park Board Commissioners served without remuneration until a 1972 amendment to the Vancouver Charter allowed them an annual honorarium of $1000. At present, for a not unusual 45-hour work week (this apart from the Commissioners’ regular employment in their professions), the Park Board Chairperson earns $23,428.65 per annum, with Commissioners earning $18,743.38 annually, or about 12.5% of the compensation afforded the average City Councillor at Vancouver City Hall.
The Vancouver Park Board oversees 242 parks and gardens, including major park “attractions” such as the 1,000 acre / 406 hectare Stanley Park, the VanDusen Botanical Garden on Oak Street, and the Bloedel Conservatory atop Queen Elizabeth, 24 active community centres located in each neighbourhood across the city, the Park Board also responsible for Vancouver’s pools and water park system, and well-maintained skating rinks and playing fields, as well as three non-profit, well-used-and-enjoyed public golf courses, Langara, McCleery and Fraserview.
Today and tomorrow, we’re taking a break from the politics of Vancouver City Councillors making the horrendous, anti-democratic decision to eliminate the elected 133-year-old Vancouver Park Board, the last bastion of civic democracy in Metro Vancouver, where members of the public are listened to and respected, and have a direct impact on the setting of public parks and recreation policy.
On Wednesday, we’ll write about tender moments around the Park Board table — involving past Park Board Chairpersons John Coupar and Aaron Jasper, once on opposite sides of the political spectrum and avowed “enemies”, but who thanks to the shocking decision of the ABC Vancouver Councillors at Vancouver City Hall to attempt to abolish Vancouver’s elected Park Board have, in common cause, become new best friends, with John Coupar saying to VanRamblings recently ..
“I can’t believe how skilled Aaron is at organizing. Each and every time we get together I am more and more impressed with his intelligence, his dedication, and his love and commitment to Vancouver’s parks and recreation system, and the preservation of Vancouver’s elected Park Board. Working with Aaron is a joy!”
As you can see from the commentary above, some good is coming out of the Ken Sim-led fiasco to eliminate Vancouver’s elected Park Board. In addition to John Coupar and Aaron Jasper’s newfound friendship, former Vancouver Park Board Commissioners Sarah Blyth (a city hero, and founder of the Overdose Prevention Society) and Melissa De Genova, a two-term Vancouver City Councillor, have also now become new best friends, working together in common cause to ensure going forward, and long into the future, Vancouver will enjoy an elected Park Board.
On Wednesday, December 13th, the eight members of the elected majority on the ABC Vancouver City Council — led by Mayor Ken Sim — voted unanimously to a eliminate an elected Vancouver Park Board, the most successful elected Park Board on the continent which, dating back to its creation in 1889, has overseen the growth of a parks system in the City of Vancouver that is the envy of the world.
Tonight’s #ParkBoard decision from Mayor Sim & ABC is so disrespectful and undemocratic.
They didn’t run on this promise, they haven’t tried to improve things. And now they’re ramming forward to eliminate a democratically elected body mid-way through their term. 1/4 🧵
In the coming days weeks, months and years, VanRamblings will explore why this electoral abomination occurred, what this wrong-headed decision means electorally for the elected Councillors who comprise the “super majority” ABC Vancouver holds at City Council, and what impact the decision of Council has had and will have on the provincial government led by Premier David Eby — whose government is compelled to review and entertain the motion passed by Vancouver City Council requesting that the government enact the necessary change to the Vancouver Charter that would abolish the elected Park Board.
The Vancouver mayoral candidate who promised to get rid of the city’s independent park board is now saying he’d like to keep it.
“Vancouverites deserve well run parks now. We can’t wait three to four years to make an administrative change,” said A Better City (ABC) mayoral candidate Ken Sim, who announced his party’s park board candidates and platform Thursday morning.
The candidates are Brennan Bastyovanszky, Laura Christensen, Angela Haer, Scott Jensen, Marie-Claire Howard and Jas Virdi.
They will be running on a platform of repairing aging infrastructure, doing a financial audit of the park board, improving the Stanley Park bike lane, and making permanent the pilot allowing drinking in parks, expanding it to all major parks and starting a separate pilot for drinking at beaches.
A Done Deal | Council Votes to Eliminate Elected Vancouver Park Board
Vancouver Park Board Commissioner at Vancouver City Hall, holding her new, month old baby
A statement from Laura Christensen, Vancouver Park Board Commissioner …
It was difficult to distill my thoughts on this into a 3-minute speech. Incredibly disappointed in the mayor and ABC councillors for turning their back on their campaign promises and completely ignoring the electorate in this decision.
Click on this link to hear duly elected (now former) ABC Vancouver Park Board Commissioner Laura Christensen address the whole of Vancouver City Council on December 13, 2023 — including her ABC Council running mates — on the initiative of the political party she ran with to eliminate the elected Vancouver Park Board.
Brennan Bastyovanszky, elected chair of the Vancouver Park Board, urged Mayor Ken Sim and Councillors, Wednesday, December 13, 2023 not to begin the process to abolish the elected Park Board
In point of fact, 82 members of the Vancouver public — including more than 20 past, elected Park Board Commissioners, as well as dozens of citizens who have appeared before the Vancouver Park Board to argue their case in respect of Vancouver’s parks and recreation centres — spoke passionately to the members of Vancouver City Council, to protect “the last bastion of civic democracy in the Metro Vancouver region, and a cherished institution that has made Vancouver not only the parks capital of North America, but the envy of the world, across our globe.”
Next week, VanRamblings will set about to refute the notion espoused by Mayor Ken Sim that the Vancouver Park Board is “broken” or the — forgive us for saying so, the ludicrous, and utterly unsupportable — notion that there are “millions in savings” to be had by eliminating the elected Vancouver Park Board, by turning over the responsibility of governance to an already over-extended and far-too-busy-by-half Vancouver City Council, wherein VanRamblings will refute the (unintended) disinformation contained in Emily Lazatin’s Global BC news report on the proposal by Vancouver City Council to abolish Vancouver’s elected Park Board.
Make no mistake, no matter what the speakers had to say who presented to Vancouver City Council on preserving an elected Vancouver Park Board, no matter how reasoned their arguments, no matter how articulate and passionate their presentation, ABC Vancouver Councillors had made their minds up well in advance of hearing speakers in Council chambers, arising from an imposed caucus “solidarity” issued by the Mayor’s office directing ABC Councillors to eliminate the elected Park Board — note should be made that ABC Councillors were not even informed of the change of direction in respect of the elected Park Board by Mayor Ken Sim prior to his announcement in the press to abolish the elected Park Board — it was a “done deal”, no matter the information presented to ABC Vancouver Councillors.
The difference between the Vancouver Park Board and Vancouver City Council?
At the Vancouver Park Board table, members of the public can change the mind of Park Board Commissioners, and affect the direction and priorities of Park Board — on Wednesday, VanRamblings will present two cogent examples of the public effecting a meaningful policy change at Park Board — whereas at Vancouver City Hall, more often than not, the minds of Councillors have been made up long in advance of hearing from the public. Autocracy reigns at Vancouver City Hall.
Democracy, on the other hand, reigns long at the Vancouver Park Board table.
Do you want your parks and recreation system back, from the virtue-signalers and the do-gooders, who these past four years have promoted the notion that Vancouver’s parks system belongs to the influx of homeless newcomers, coming to our city for drugs, and free accommodation in our parks?
Children playing in parks, parks that are free of needles and crack pipes, human feces and detritus of every description — hey, that’s like so 1999. Parks aren’t meant for families in 2022, parks are no longer the green space, the backyards for the 56% of renters and 25% of condominium owners in our city, for whom parks in the past have provided rest, relaxation, solace, fresh air, comfy benches to sit on, and even some recreational activities, like tennis, soccer and pickleball. No siree, Bob — Vancouver parks now belong to the homeless folks visiting from Halifax or Edmonton, Québec City, or who have made their way up into Canada from the U.S.
Are you living under the delusion our Vancouver parks belong to you, to your family, your friends and your neighbours? Do you have no heart?
The homeless need a place to live. Parks are great, and none better than Vancouver’s parks, lush and green, with all those trees for cover.
However, If you believe the Vancouver citizens who elect 7 Park Board Commissioners to office every four years, that those Commissioners are meant to be stewards of Vancouver’s parks and recreation system, then we’re here to tell you — as good-hearted as these folks might be — you’re certainly not going to want to vote for candidates for the Greens, ABC Vancouver, Vision Vancouver or OneCity Vancouver — because as socially-conscious as candidates from those parties may be, their kindness extends only to the homeless, not to you or your family, and certainly not to the children for whom Vancouver is home.
Drug use/crack pipe smokers camped out and right by the playground at the park by my house. Crack pipe found by the playground. Unacceptable. Who do I call? I’ve been on hold with the non emergency line for 15 minutes. @VancouverPD@kennedystewart
When it comes to children in our city, that well-intentioned crew could give a good galldarn about your children — better to learn the hard lesson now that life is tough, and sometimes we have to sacrifice playing on that slide or in the sandbox, to serve the interests of the “greater good” — in this case, the steady influx of homeless arriving in our city from across Canada, and in some cases the U.S., central and South America, and even Europe and the Far East.
Above you see the five Park Board candidates, plus an alternate, VanRamblings endorses in 2022 — that would be TEAM … for a Livable Vancouver’s incumbent Park Board Commissioner, Tricia Barker, her TEAM running mates Kumi Kimura, Kathleen Larsen and Michelle Mollineaux, plus the NPA’s Park Board candidate, Dave Pasin, and TEAM alternate, James Buckson — who believe Vancouver’s parks are for everyone, including the homeless who courts have ruled may, if there is no other shelter available, tent overnight in the parks across our city, but only if these woebegone citizens vacate the park by 7 a.m., in order that families and the general public may enjoy our parks system.
But that’s doesn’t happen, does it? Instead, Vancouver’s lush, green parks have become semi-permanent homes for those who arrive on our shores daily.
Long story short, before VanRamblings relates a story that informs our writing today, and why it is we think it is critical you cast your ballot for the TEAM … for a Livable Vancouver candidates for Park Board, plus the NPA’s Dave Pasin …
Tricia Barker, a fine, upstanding, incumbent Park Board Commissioner, a seniors’ wellness professional, who these past four years has championed the interests of our seniors and persons with disabilities communities, and as a practicing Tibetan Buddhist whose motto is “pick happy” enjoys walks through Vancouver’s parks system each and every day. Tricia takes her job as a steward of Vancouver’s parks and recreation system seriously, takes her job as an advocate for you and your family seriously, has worked with Vancouver City Council to increase funding to our parks and recreation system, worked with the Queen of Pools-in-Parks in our city, Margery Duda, towards ensuring that there will be wading pools for children in every neighbourhood, and outdoor swimming pools in neighbourhoods across the city. Chances are should Vancouver voters elect Tricia Barker to a second term on Park Board, come December the indefatigable Tricia Barker will be elected Park Board Chairperson by her colleagues, for 2023. We think that scenario is just a little bit of heaven for Vancouver citizens, for families and for children;
Kumi Kimura, for some while now has held the job as senior manager at the Musqueam Golf Course, so we’re here to tell you that Kumi knows the value of exceptional recreational facilities: they have shaped her upbringing and her career. As is the case with many of us, Kumi Kimura has spent hours, days, weeks, months and years enjoying every aspect of Vancouver’s abundant parks and recreation system, and was one of the first to acquire a OneCard when they became available. A secret? Kumi knows just about everyone in the city. Walk down the street, enter a room, and folks rush over to greet Kumi, and wrap their arms around her in a hug. Maybe 15 years working in Vancouver’s hospitality industry where she’s met thousands upon thousands of people, means that if you’re a good person — and make no mistake, Kumi Kimura is a very good person — affection from those you’ve met and worked with in the past results in the kind of good will Ms. Kimura engenders. Why would Kumi Kimura make a superb Park Board Commissioner, apart from the fact that she’s heartbreakingly bright, knows Vancouver’s parks and recreation system backwards, forward and inside out, and has years of experience in governance? Gosh, we just answered our own question, didn’t we? Tricia Barker and Kumi Kimura are a team, running for Park Board with TEAM … for a Livable Vancouver. Please save a vote for Kumi Kimura — you’ll be so very, very glad you did;
Kathleen Larsen. The incoming elected Park Board needs to hit the ground running, needs to re-assert Commissioner control and Commissioner priorities that serve your interests. What does that take? For a start, a sophisticated understanding of how decisions are made at the Park Board table, how one must conduct oneself at Park Board to get things done, years (decades) of experience in governance, in meeting and achieving goals that make a difference for the better in the lives of working people, families and children, seniors and persons within our disabilities community. Read these parts of Kathleen Larsen’s bio … “Kathleen has worked as a Community and Heritage Planner in the Lower Mainland for 27 years, and possesses a first-rate knowledge of local government legislation, planning processes, urban design and heritage conservation and preservation.” Save a vote, prioritize Kathleen Larsen as the candidate for Vancouver Park Board for whom you’ll mark you ballot when you cast your vote. We promise that come post-election you’ll be very, very glad you did;
Michelle Mollineauxhas operated within British Columbia politics for years, generally working in the background as a campaign manager, as well as working within all levels of governmental bureaucracy to achieve the best outcomes for all British Columbians and, in recent years, for the citizens of Vancouver. Now, it’s time for Michelle to make her début as a front-and-centre public servant. As an immigrant and a “soccer mom,” Michelle’s understanding of the importance of sports and recreation is second to none. Working to transform and reclaim Vancouver Park Board as a functioning parks and recreation system that best serves the interests of all of us who call Vancouver home is Michelle Mollineaux’s primary goal, as she will focus her energies on upgrading our aging community centres, sports facilities and fields. Working tirelessly to keep Vancouver parks, and the city of Vancouver green and safe for everyone, Michelle — a dynamic and action-oriented member of the TEAM … for a Livable Vancouver slate of Park Board candidates — promises to do better, will do better, and will be ready from Day One to get to work on your behalf to ensure that community pools will be built, water parks will be open in the summer, and Vancouver’s many, many parks will be open to everyone to enjoy. Save a vote for Michelle Mollineaux. You’ll be darn glad you did.
Dave Pasin, we believe, is our brother from another mother. Dave is someone VanRamblings has known for a great long while. In recent weeks, we have spoken frequently about the current election cycle, and commiserated about the state of parks and the city — in this very confusing, and dare we say, contentious election, so any solace Dave could offer is good by us. Of all the candidates who’ve come forward to offer themselves up for public service, when it comes to Vancouver’s parks and recreation system, Dave Pasin is among the crème de la crème of candidates for Vancouver Park Board in 2022, given his years of service as a member of the Board of Directors for, at various times, the West End Community Centre, the Hillcrest Community Centre, and the Dunbar Community Centre. The every second Monday Park Board meetings at 1111 Beach Avenue has, for many years, acted as a second home for the affable Dave Pasin, so often does he present to the Board on the need for more community pools, increased support for our community recreation centres, and ensuring reduced-rate Leisure Pass access to our public recreation centres — particularly for seniors living on a fixed income, and Vancouver’s indigent population, but also for families and children who are doing their best to keep fit. Dave Pasin has pioneered an innovative all access programme for children, youth, teens and seniors, first at the West End Community Centre, and more recently at the Hillcrest Community Centre. Dave Pasin has told VanRamblings that he looks forward to the opportunity to work with TEAM … for a Livable Vancouver‘s slate of candidates, to reclaim Vancouver’s parks for everyone. VanRamblings strongly encourages you to save a vote for Dave Pasin.
Andrea Pinochet-Escudero thinks she’s going to lose. Let’s prove her wrong. Yeah, sure, Andrea’s running with Vote Socialist, and you’re not a socialist — if you’re having a hard time wrapping your head around the notion of voting for a socialist, think humanist instead, because Andrea Pinochet-Escudero is certainly that, and more. Why would you cast a vote for Ms. Pinochet-Escudero, you ask? The answer to that question is simple: because you care about the city, and Andrea Pinochet-Escudero means well for our city. Ms. Pinochet-Escudero isn’t one of those virtue-signaling, holier-than-thou champagne socialists, given to the big lie. As the mother of two young boys, who just happens to be married to the great hope of our future, Derrick O’Keefe (who came within a hair’s breadth of winning a seat on Council in 2018), in 2022, Ms. Pinochet-Escudero has emerged as the Park Board candidate who advocated most for the construction of community pools, more so than was the case with any other Park Board candidate this year. COPE’s incumbent Park Board Commissioner, Gwen Giesbrecht — we’re endorsing her next — needs a seconder for her motions around the Park Board table, as Andrea will require of Gwen: that can only be achieved if you cast your ballot for the true HUMANIST socialists running for Park Board this election cycle — Andrea Pinochet-Escudero and Gwen Giesbrecht, who together will bring compassion, warmth of character, heart, unending intelligence, and a commitment to the democratic process to their role as Park Board Commissioners, and make no mistake, both Andrea and Gwen will be YOUR non-partisan voice at the Park Board table. VanRamblings urges you to please, please, please save two spots on your ballot, and fill in that oblong shape next to the names of Andrea Pinochet-Escudero and Gwen Giesbrecht. We promise: you’ll be glad you did.
Gwen Giesbrecht. VanRamblings has known Gwen Giesbrecht for 30 years, and all through those years when she sat as Chairperson of the Britannia Community Centre. When VanRamblings was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2016, Gwen played a pivotal role in helping put into perspective what was going on in our life in 2016 through 2017 — as did Vancouver School Board trustee, Allan Wong (who we’re also endorsing), who played a similar role to that of Gwen. In some measure, we believe we’re here today because of the kindness, the advice, the solace and support of both Gwen and Allan. Now, a bit about Gwen: We love strong women of principle and conscience. Women don’t come stronger — and full of good will, strong will and cheer, and more principled than Gwen Giesbrecht. For the past four years, as an incumbent Park Board Commissioner, Gwen has acted as the democrat on Park Board, for the first couple of years taking the role of Park Board Committee Chairperson — that’s the part of the meeting where the public is provided with an opportunity to present to our elected Park Board Commissioners on issues of concern to Vancouver’s good citizens, who couldn’t have asked for a fairer and more democratically-inclined Chair than proved to be the case with Gwen Giesbrecht. Going forward, VanRamblings sees Gwen as the tough, informed, no-nonsense conscience of Vancouver Park Board. VanRamblings is endorsing Andrea Pinochet-Escudero (who we love!), at least in part, so that Gwen might have a seconder for motions she places before the Board for consideration. Make no mistake: we NEED Gwen Giesbrecht on Park Board for the next four years (and Andrea, too!). Although Gwen’s a team player, woebetide the Commissioner who steps out of line … Gwen will be on them like maple syrup on pancakes.
The rationale for Endorsing the 7 Park Board candidates identified above
For much of VanRamblings’ adult life we have worked in and around the Downtown Eastside, and on Vancouver’s east side, in the neighbourhoods where we were raised, which we called home all the years we were growing up.
Over the years, VanRamblings has taught Grade 5 at Admiral Seymour Elementary, worked as a summer relief social worker out of both the Strathcona and Grandview Woodland Ministry of Human Resources offices (now called the Ministry of Children and Family Development), as well as taken on work as a Family Support Worker or Family Counselor, with various east side social agencies.
Dating back to 1996, VanRamblings was assigned by both the Pacific Regional Offices of Statistics Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation as liaison for the Downtown Eastside, and areas east. In recent years, we worked as an Outreach worker with the Lookout Housing Aid Society.
Much of our work involved working with families who lived in one of the many buildings within the Raymur Place housing project, now called Stamps Place.
A few years back, for a two-year period VanRamblings worked with children in crisis who lived in the Stamps Place neighbourhood, mostly boys and girls aged ten to twelve. The children were tender-hearted but angry, having been expelled from one school after another, and when we worked with them were tended to by ‘special needs’ educational assistants, and psychologists.
As such, VanRamblings’ experience in the area is extensive, given that our work involved one-to-one work with families in need, and more often than not — given our background as an educator — work with children in crisis, children — more often than not, girls, exploited or on the verge of being exploited by their parents, neighbourhood teenage boys, and area pimps.
Many of the children resident in Stamps Place have only one safe space where they might find respite from the misery of their lives: parks, in this case Strathcona Park, as Strathcona Park is located nearby Stamps Place.
In 2018, Vancouver voters elected a majority COPE / Green Party contingent as Park Board Commissioners, who responded to Vancouver’s burgeoning homelessness crisis — caused in the main by an influx of a new homeless population arriving in Vancouver from the Prairies, Ontario, Québec and the Maritimes — by opening up our parks system to tent encampments, not just in Strathcona and Oppenheimer parks, but in all parks located across Vancouver.
The impact of opening our parks to those who do not have a home — an issue the Courts have said is allowable, with the proviso this homeless population vacate the park no later than 7 a.m., a provision rarely if ever enforced. Thus many parks across our city have become home to a drug addicted, untreated mentally ill population, where crack pipes, needles, feces and detritus have taken over many of Vancouver’s parks, including children’s play areas.
For the 56% of Vancouver residents who are renters, and the 25% of Vancouver’s population who are condominium owners, Vancouver’s parks are residents green spaces, their de facto backyards, providing a place of solace in the open air, surrounded by trees and grass, a place of rest, recreation and reflection, not to mention playgrounds for their young and not-so-young children.
With tender hearts and compassion, five of our current Vancouver Park Board Commissioners over these past four years — COPE’s Gwen Giesbrecht, Vision Vancouver’s John Irwin and Stuart Mackinnon, and the Green Party of Vancouver’s Camil Dumont and Dave Demers — rather than act as stewards of Vancouver’s parks and recreation system, and given that all three levels of government — municipal, provincial and federal — have failed to provide homes for Vancouver’s ever-increasing homeless population, out of good will and conscience, turned over many of Vancouver parks to our homeless population.
There is no question that Ms. Giesbrecht, Mr. Irwin, Mr. Mackinnon, Mr. Dumont, and Mr. Demers in making Vancouver parks available as home to Vancouver’s homeless population acted with humanity and good faith.
However, in turning Vancouver’s parks system into homeless encampments, the 81% of Vancouver’s population for whom our parks are a place of rest, relaxation, solace and recreation, all out in the open air, and a place where their children might play in safety … well, let’s face it, in the main throughout our city, that is no longer the case for most Vancouver residents. Vancouver’s parks have, cruelly, become a haven for those in need of care and shelter.
Back to Stamps Place. As we wrote above, for many years we worked with young children, mostly girls, who were exploited by their parents, older boys and pimps, as sources of income for the exploiters, and as sexual playthings — let us remind you, we’re talking about 10, 11 and 12-year-old girls.
The ONLY safe place for the girls who live at Stamps Place, apart from the time they spend in school, is Strathcona Park, because at Strathcona Park there are safe and protective eyes on them always, the park not open to the pimps, the girls’ parents or the teenage boys who mean to exploit these young girls. Parents, pimps and teenage boys on the prowl enter Strathcona Park at their peril.
As such, for a brief period each day snuggled securely within Strathcona Park these young girls are provided with the opportunity to simply be what we would wish for all young children: preteen girls full of joy and the wonderment of life, out playing with their friends in the open air, in a place that promises safety, a sense of awe.
From September 2019 through until April 30th 2021 — nearly two years — Strathcona Park was “home” to a homeless population where homeless residents engaged in property theft, vandalism, a place where rape, violent assaults and fires were not uncommon. The Strathcona Park encampment was itself a hot spot for homicides, sexual and violent assaults, drug trafficking, and stolen goods, where there will multiple incidents of fires.
For VanRamblings, the tragedy of the Strathcona Park encampment was that for a period of some 20 months, exploited young girls no longer had a place of safety where they could meet with their friends, a place of respite where they could rest and get away from their lives, if only for an hour or two.
To VanRamblings that is a human tragedy. Young girls exploited, with nowhere to go, with no one to turn to, as a homeless population “took over” their park, their place of refuge, the only safe place in their neighbourhood where they would not be exploited, gone. A human tragedy involving not just vulnerable young girls, but the hundreds of children enrolled at Admiral Seymour Elementary and Strathcona elementary schools — who, for 20 months, had no place to go, no place of solace, no place to play outside with their friends.
VanRamblings believes we cannot allow this human tragedy to continue, we cannot allow further homeless park encampments to deny our children the same opportunities with which we were provided growing up.
Thus today, VanRamblings endorses the full slate of the very fine TEAM … for a Livable Vancouver candidates for Park Board, as well as Dave Pasin, along with COPE’s Gwen Giesbrecht and Vote Socialist’s Andrea Pinochet-Escudero, who might act as the conscience on the 2022 – 2016 Vancouver Park Board.
We urge you to vote wisely, and in the interests of all Vancouver citizens, and most particularly for all the children in our city, who live across every neighbourhood in Vancouver, who require ready and safe access to our parks.
A draft 30-year plan calls for limiting growth in Vancouver, and pushing new residents to the suburbs
All development decisions within the City of Vancouver that are currently being made by senior staff employed within the city’s Planning Department — currently slated to add more than 100,000 new residents to Vancouver, over the course of the next 30 years — is predicated on a rate of population growth that many commentators, and the most recent figures published by Statistics Canada, don’t jibe with population growth projections that are being made at Vancouver City Hall.
“In recent years about 12,000 more people have been annually moving out of Metro Vancouver for other parts of B.C. than have been moving into the metropolis. The vast majority of new arrivals into Metro Vancouver are foreign-born immigrants.”
Todd goes on to quote former provincial NDP MLA and current two-term Nanaimo Mayor, Leonard Krog.
“We have had lots of people from Alberta and the East cashing out and moving to Nanaimo — to get away from the crush and the smoke,” says Krog. “People are also fleeing Vancouver, and the Lower Mainland. Now it’s more common for people to ask why would you stay in the Lower Mainland when you can cash out on your $2-million house on a crowded Burnaby street, or $3 million Vancouver home and get a great $1 million home in Nanaimo?”
Krog says newcomers are pouring into Nanaimo for several reasons — affordable housing, less density, and a higher-quality lifestyle. “The strong overall shift of residents from other provinces, and from Vancouver or Metro Vancouver, to smaller B.C. cities, which have more young adults, is unsurprising,” writes Douglas Todd.
“Nanaimo’s rapid growth of two per cent a year”, Krog says, “is a result of a ‘perfect storm’ of conditions, including the attractiveness of the region’s oceanfront, university, airport, nearby ski mountains, climate and a lower cost of living.”
“It has all been amplified by the pandemic,” he said. “COVID-19 is helping many across Canada and in other parts of B.C. realize they might be able to permanently work out of their homes. So why not do it in a place that is pleasant and somewhat more affordable?”
If as lawyer, writer, and and community organizer Daniel Oleksiuk writes on the Sightline Institute website that population growth in Metro Vancouver will occur in the Metro Vancouver suburbs, and not in Vancouver, and if Nanaimo Mayor Leonard Krog is correct in his assertion that rather than remain in Vancouver, families are instead opting to move to smaller, more affordable cities such as Nanaimo, how can the Vancouver Planning Department justify a growth strategy, population growth projections, and the consequent tower-driven densification projects they are currently presenting to the members of Vancouver City Council for approval?
At Issue: Form of Development, and the Livability of Vancouver
Artistic rendering of the Esso gas station site at 3205 Arbutus, redeveloped into a mixed-use building
A deep issue of concern that has arisen for many, as Vancouver’s Planning Department presents their plans to City Council, is “form of development”.
For the most part, if you take a look at many of the projects VanRamblings wrote about yesterday, they adhere to the ‘development at all cost’ ethos of the now discredited former Vision Vancouver civic administration, who were roundly and wholly turfed from office in the 2018 Vancouver municipal election: a plethora of greenhouse gas-emitting podium and tower-driven developments — whether they be in the northeast “forest of condos” False Creek neighbourhood, the newly-reimagined Oakridge Centre or nearby Heather Lands development, or in the southern sector of the Grandview Woodland neighbourhood’s ‘Safeway site’.
The question must be asked: whatever happened to the notion of ‘gentle density’?
Why is it that rather than construct high-rise condominum towers all along the Broadway Corridor, from Clark Drive all the way out to UBC, could we not opt instead for the kind of low-rise building illustrated directly above, in the proposed, neighbourhood friendly project located at West 16th Avenue and Arbutus Street?
Artistic rendering of a planned, environmentally-friendly wood construction building
Perhaps of even more importance to the stewards of our environment who sit on Vancouver City Council, why not mandate that future home construction be built employing sustainable, carbon-storing cross-laminated timber — glued at perpendicular angles to make thick beams, and clearly visible in columns, beams, walls and ceilings? Wood construction has proven popular across a broad section of our developer, architect and contractor communities, who see building with wood as a way to increase density at a lower cost, while reducing environmental impact.
Now, that would be an innovation for our Vancouver City Council to truly consider.
Rowhouses such as the ones above are common in many cities around the world, but not in Vancouver
And what of fee-simple row housing, which architect Michael Geller argues for in an interview conducted by Carlito Pablo, in the October 6, 2021 issue of The Straight?
“In a fee-simple rowhouse or townhouse, there’s nothing owned by the association. The owners own their roof, their windows, the land under and around their townhouse. That means the individual owners are responsible for taking care of any lawn, painting the outside, fixing leaks in the roof, and shoveling the snow.”
Whatever happened to the notion of human-scale, gentle density townhouse construction, all the rage 40 & 50 years ago? Why, in recent years, has townhouse construction fallen so out of favour, as podium and high-rise tower-driven plinth construction has become the greenhouse gas-emitting building forme de la journée?
Vancouver Co-Housing, located on 33rd Avenue between Victoria Drive and Knight Street
And what about co-housing in Vancouver, housing that is family-supportive, senior-friendly and energy-efficient? For instance, Vancouver Co-Housing consists of 29 privately owned, fully equipped homes plus 2 rental units, in addition to a large and beautiful common house and outdoor common areas. This vibrant community is located on East 33rd Avenue between Victoria Drive and Knight Street.
The homes range from studios to one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom units – all with their own kitchens. The common house has an area of 6,500 sq ft. and includes a community kitchen, dining room, and lounge; activity rooms for children and teens; office areas; two guest rooms; a yoga studio; and rooftop gardens. As well, there are ground-level gardens, workshops, plus a courtyard and play area that encourage year-round social contact. All parking is underground.
By working together, Vancouver Co-Housing members are able to share amenities common to a traditional home and reduce the size of their private dwelling.
A 2014 Global BC video, identifying Vancouver as one of the high-rise capitals of the world
On July 24, 2014, during the lead up to the Vancouver civic election that year, VanRamblings published a column titled At Issue: Form of Development, and the Livability of Vancouver, which quoted a 2012 study conducted by University of British Columbia Chair of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, Patrick Condon, addressing the question of how Vancouver might reasonably approach the reduction of energy use and consequent greenhouse gas production in the city by at least 80 per cent by 2050, and how that goal might be accomplished.
The answer: the construction of compact, low-rise structures across the city, along its arterials and throughout its neighbourhoods, as a greener, more workable, more energy-efficient alternative to the present form of high-rise development that so captured the imagination of Vision Vancouver, as seems to be the case with our present Council. That 2014 VanRamblings column is well worth reading.
The indefatigable Patrick Condon, future — and absolutely necessary — Vancouver City Councillor
Again today, VanRamblings will leave you with the words of Patrick Condon …
“While it is true that high-rises, when combined in large numbers, create GHG-efficient districts, the buildings themselves are not as efficient as mid-rise buildings.
“High-rises are subject to the effects of too much sun and too much wind on their all-glass skins. And all-glass skins are, despite many improvements to the technology, inherently inefficient. Glass is simply not very good at keeping excessive heat out, or desirable heat in. High-rises, according to BC Hydro data, use almost twice as much energy per square metre as mid-rise structures.”
“High-rise buildings built largely of steel and concrete are less sustainable than low-rise and mid-rise buildings built largely of wood; steel and concrete produce a lot of GHG. Wood traps it. Concrete is 10 times more GHG-intensive than wood.”
Patrick Condon argued with heart and with purpose in 2014, as he does through until today, for the construction of thousands of primarily mid-rise wood frame mixed use commercial / residential buildings on Vancouver’s arterial streets.
And, most importantly, Patrick Condon argues for the retention of existing neighbourhood quality, and the supply of sufficient units to house the burgeoning wave of our elderly population, housing for young families, housing equity, and neighbourhood preservation, through the gentle infill of existing residential streets.