VIFF 2018 | Vacationing in New York at the Vancouver Film Festival

VIFF 2018 shares 21 films with the New York Film Festival in 2018

Each year for most of the history of the Vancouver International Film Festival, the prestigious, heavily juried and much smaller New York Film Festival kicks off on the same date as VIFF, creating something of a logistical problem for the print traffic folks at Vancouver’s film festival (and New York’s, as well), arising from the fact that the respective film festivals generally share 15+ films (out of a total of 30) — as is the case again this year — and the logistics of transporting the one-and-only “print” of the film back and forth can be, and has often proved to be, something of a terrible, pull-your-hair-out nightmare for the print traffic folks at both film festivals.
Still and all, somehow both VIFF and the good folks at the NYFF each year manage to “exchange” films without a glitch.
As above, this year there are a record number of films screening at both VIFF 2018 and NYFF56, 21 in total, far more than in any previous year.
In 2018, the films VIFF 2018 and the NYFF56 will exchange (all of these films will screen at both the New York & the Vancouver film festivals) …

The Favourite

3 faces


Ash is the Purest White, part of the Vancouver International Film Festival's Dragons & Tigers series


Carmine Street Guitars

cold war

a family tour

la flor


happy as lazzaro

the image book

in my room

Long Day's Journey Into Night

Maria by Callas


Ray and Liz


Sorry Angel


What You Gonna Do When the World's on Fire?