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VanRamblings has found itself just a tad busy of late, what with preparing for the 2nd anniversary of our blog (click here and scroll to the bottom of the page for our first post, and thank you Michael for repairing our archive facility), as well as completing our term project for a Dreamweaver Level 1 course, a part of UBC’s Multimedia and Web Development programme, not to mention working full-time in our airless office in downtown Vancouver.
As we thought we’d failed our first HTML Authoring course (actually, we got a ‘B’ — or so the letter from the department read when it arrived this past Friday), the pressure was on us to do better on the Dreamweaver term project. Now, you’d think what with posting to VanRamblings sporadically over the past two years, and possessing the sort of superior computing skills we believe are ours, that the Dreamweaver course would be a breeze.
Think again.
Participating in the Dreamweaver course and working on the term project proved to be the most arduous work in which we’d engaged in the past 20 years. VanRamblings hasn’t had more than 4 hours sleep any night in the past two weeks putting our project together, as our life became consumed with building a website from scratch and uploading it to the ’Net.
And believe us when we say that the project is a llloonngg way from being “finished,” although we’re going to submit the website we’ll present to you below later tonight anyway, and seek to “repair” it, build on it, and transform it as we acquire greater Dreamweaver skills, and gain skill in the use of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as the other programmes in the Adobe Creative Suite, and Macromedia Flash (like this).
So, without further ado, please find VanRamblings’ term project for Dreamweaver Level 1, a tentative first step for VanRamblings, and a website for one of our favourite restaurants, http://lansrestaurant.com.