#VanPoli | Orientation | Happiness | Collegiality | City Council

Day 19 of 30: Vancouver Mayor and City Councillor Orientation | Sarah Kirby-Yung

The glorious, thrilling and edifying 30-day orientation for the members of our new Vancouver City Council continues first thing this morning.
Clearly, Vancouver Non-Partisan Association Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung and OneCity Vancouver Councillor Christine Boyle have proven to be the best communicators among our new crop of electeds — their social media feeds informative and an absolute delight to follow, with first-rate reportage to the tens of thousands of you who voted them into office. Good on them.

Day 15 of 30: Orientation of new Mayor and Vancouver City Councillors | Library | Christine Boyle

Day 15 of 30: Orientation of new Mayor and Vancouver City Councillors | Library

Day 18 of 30: Orientation of new Mayor and Vancouver City Councillors | Mike Harcourt, Marguerite Ford

Day 14 of 30: Orientation of new Mayor and Council | CBC | Christine Boyle, Rebecca Bligh

If you’re not already following Councillor Christine Boyle on Twitter, you can do so at @christineboyle, while the incredibly wonderful Sarah Kirby-Yung at @sarahkirby_yung is another must follow — which you ought to do.