Jon Stewart in a Dust Up on CNN’s Crossfire


Seems that Jon Stewart is mad as hell and he just ain’t gonna take it any more.
Appearing on CNN’s Crossfire, the Daily Show’s acerbic host took Crossfire hosts Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson to task for “hurting America,” by failing to take journalism as a serious endeavour, by failing to hold politician’s feet to the fire, and by turning their show into nothing more than Spin Alley. “Now don’t you think that for people watching at home, that’s kind of a drag? That you’re literally walking to a place called Deception Lane?”
Both Dave Cullen and Salon magazine’s Charles Taylor weigh in on what Stewart accomplished by demanding that Crossfire “confront tough issues, instead of being the political equivalent of pro wrestling.”
Video of Stewart’s appearance on Crossfire is made available by The Free Speech Zone.