Crisis In Haiti: Five Facts and One Appeal

FIVEFACTS “Haiti is in crisis, and an entire society stands on the brink of economic and humanitarian disaster. This disaster is not the product of some unfortunate circumstance, but the direct result of policies carried out by our governments,” says Anthony Fenton, a Vancouver-based activist and corporate media analyst who writes frequently on Haiti. In an essay written with Dru Oja Jay, the two political scientists accuse the media of a blatant disinformation campaign, and of failing to report how humanitarian groups are not being allowed the access that they require, while untold thousands of Haitians starve. Both men accuse US officials of running a covert campaign aimed at Haitian destabilization and regime change.
Meanwhile, writing in The New Republic, journalist Adam Kushner defends former President Bill Clinton’s 1994 move to return Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power, and emphasizes the importance of protecting democratically elected governments against coups d’état.