Category Archives: VIFF 2020

VIFF 2020 | Canada’s National Film Board Shines With 2 Great Docs

Jennifer Abbott's devastating climate change documentary, The Magnitude of All ThingsThe Magnitude of All Things, director Jennifer Abbott’s devastating NFB co-production about personal and planetary grief, premièred at VIFF’s Vancity Theatre, with Abbott and co-producers Shirley Vercruysse and Andrew Williamson in attendance. #VIFF2020.

The Magnitude of All Things (Canada). Truth telling, a call to action, and gorgeously filmed by cinematographer Vince Arvidson, Sundance and Genie award-winning director Jennifer Abbott (The Corporation) offers viewers an intimate and emotional punch-in-the-gut with her new documentary.
The Magnitude of All Things draws intimate parallels between the experiences of grief — personal for the filmmaker in coming to terms with the passing of her sister, and planetary, as Magnitude takes us across the globe to witness planet Earth in crisis: from the catastrophic fires Australia suffered at the end of 2019, to the devastating role our current climate emergency has played in destroying a southern hemisphere eco-system, the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, the rising sea levels drowning the Pacific Island nation of Kiribati, to the destruction of the Amazon rain forest arising from the grievous policies of Brazilian and Ecuadorian presidents Jair Bolsonaro and Lénín Moreno, the struggles of the Indigenous peoples who are waging a desperate battle against oil and mining extraction and, at home, how the melting ice in the autonomous Newfoundland and Labrador Inuit community of Nunatsiavut has permanently altered the landscape.
Lest you believe The Magnitude of All Things to be a polemic, didactic filmmaking regurgitating what you’ve heard before, allow this writer to assure you that is not at all the case. Rather, Magnitude is a film about battles waged, lamentations of loss, and raw testimony that coalesces into an extraordinary tapestry, woven together with raw emotion and staggering beauty, a film that transform darkness into light, and grief into action.

The Magnitude of All Things. A film by Jennifer Abbott. An NFB & partners production.

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John Ware Reclaimed, an NFB documentary from filmmaker and historian, Cheryl Foggo.

John Ware Reclaimed (Canada). A genealogical exploration of the life of 19th century Alberta cowboy, John Ware, that seeks to reclaim the narrative of his life, filmmaker and historian Cheryl Foggo expands on the work she undertook in mounting her 2012 award winning play, John Ware Re-imagined, as she re-examines the history of Alberta’s famous early black folk hero and Prairie cowboy, who was rugged, independent & black.
From a story written by Omayra Issa for CBC Saskatchewan …

“It is a history that has been erased,” says Foggo. Both sets of her maternal grandparents came to Saskatchewan from the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century. Three generations lived in the province before moving to Alberta, the family eventually spanning across the 3 Prairie provinces.

Foggo’s ancestors were among the 1,500 to 2,000 African American farmers who came from the southern U.S. from 1905 to 1911 in search of a better life and a place that was less hostile and dangerous than Jim Crow America. They established five small pioneering communities: one in Saskatchewan and four in Alberta. Their story is steeped in slavery, racial segregation, and the fierce desire for emancipation.

Foggo has been reclaiming her family history for decades. More recently, she has been doing the same for an iconic Black figure on the Prairies, John Ware.

Ware proved himself to be a charismatic man and a highly skilled rancher. He owned two ranches, ultimately reaching one thousand head of cattle. He also pioneered irrigation in the region. Legends of his talents as a horseman were known in Indigenous communities on Treaty 7 territory, where he was close friends with chief Crowfoot of the Siksika First Nation.

John Ware’s story is a fundamental Prairie story and an indelible thread in the Canadian narrative. “It is important to connect John Ware to the Black history that was here in his time, carried on, and has been here from that time forward,” Foggo told CBC Saskatchewan journalist, Omayra Issa.

VIFF 2020 | Films VIFF Programmer Tom Charity Recommends

The 2020, 39th annual Vancouver International Film Festival programmer choose his early favourites

For about a decade or so now, in addition to his responsibilities choosing and booking heart-filled, audience-pleasing films into VIFF’s gorgeously well-wrought Vancity Theatre (about which we’ll have more to say, another day), VIFF programmer Tom Charity has played a critical role in curating the film selections which make their way into the final array of international cinema that inspires and delights audiences who love our awe-inspiring Vancouver International Film Festival, now unspooling as VIFF’s glorious and transforming 39th annual — this year virtual — window on our world.
Yesterday, the affable Tom Charity began his own festival — which is to say, watching films in his modest home theatre setting, as he and his lovely bride (and family) commenced the process of “screening” VIFF films he’d not seen, but had read and heard great things about — joining with myriad VIFF aficionados, equally ready to immerse themselves deep within the gift that is our illustrious and much cherished local international film festival.
At the outset of Tom’s Facebook post, he writes about Summer of 85, Another Round, Undine and Falling, VIFF films VanRamblings had recently previewed for our readers earlier in the month, those previews (replete with trailers for the films) are available to you here and here.
Click on any of links below to be taken to the VIFF web page for that film.

My Donkey, My Lover & I (France). As the VIFF guide says, “An official selection for Cannes 2020, Caroline Vignal’s delightful movie is a breath of fresh air, blending life lessons, romance, insight and scenery.”
Plus the four Indigenous films Tom writes about on Facebook …
Inconvenient Indian

Call Me Human

Beans was for me a knock out, a heartrending, gut punch of a film, and a must-see.
Monkey Beach

We’ll leave you with the three strong films about policing and racism Tom writes about, presenting the remaining films when Tom posts again …
Women in Blue
Women in Blue documentary
Down a Dark Stairwell
Down a Dark Stairwell, a documentary screening at the 39th annual Vancouver International Film Festival
No Visible Trauma
No Visible Trauma, a documentary film presented by the 2020 Vancouver International Film Festival
And finally for today, from Kashmir, The Shepherdess and the Seven Songs.

VIFF 2020 | Mind Expanding, Savagely Feminist & Hitchcockian

2020 Vancouver International Film Festival

Only three days to go until the start of the 39th annual Vancouver International Film Festival, when most films will be available through your computer at home, your laptop, or on your TV, employing Apple TV, Roku, an Amazon Firestick, or Chromecast, any of which will allow you access to the 100+ films VIFF programmers have scheduled virtually in 2020.
Now, VanRamblings has been doing our bit to bring you up-to-speed on VIFF 2020, but there are others out there who are also working to prep you for the big event.

Shane Scott-Travis outlines 15 films not to miss at VIFF 2020

For instance, Shane Scott-Travis at Taste of Cinema has prepared his annual list of 15 VIFF films he believes you should not miss, explaining in cogent and convincing detail why that is the case.
For instance, in no particular order, the following three films …

Last and First Men (directed by Jóhann Jóhannsson, Iceland). Mr. Scott-Travis writes, in part, “… the ambitious and sadly posthumous release from composer Jóhann Jóhannsson that has drawn comparisons to Kubrick and Tarkovsky, as challenging and creative as it is mind-expanding and moving. Narrated by Tilda Swinton, and presented as an immersive monolithic artifact from the future, irrevocably connected to our past.”

Violation (directed by Madeleine Sims-Fewer and Dusty Mancinelli, Canada). Says Mr. Scott-Travis, “This nerve-jangling revenge picture, set in the deceptively pastoral Québec Laurentians, is one of the most explosive genre film directorial débuts in some time. The writing and directing team of Dusty Mancinelli and Madeleine Sims-Fewer (who also leads the exceptional cast) cut their teeth making several memorable and menacing short films now make a feature length début most people will be enjoying online through VIFF Connect.
Violation is an elegantly filmed and disturbingly savage feminist revenge film that actually is feminist, and at VIFF 2020 essential viewing.”

Sanzaru (directed by Xia Magnus, USA). Says Mr. Scott-Travis, “While paying homage and taking visual cues from 70s horror films, not to mention the gloomy Gothic sensibilities of Henry James’ pitch black classic The Turn of the Screw, Sanzura promises to be more than your typical creaky old haunted house yarn. The first feature from Xia Magnus, the Texas-set chiller begins as Filipina caregiver Evelyn (Aina Dumalo) moves into the large country estate of Dena Regan (Jayne Taini); it’s here, in this perfectly eerie setting, that the troubles begin.
Already garnering promising notices from the festival circuit, Sanzura has been praised for its Hitchcockian story elements, suggesting parallels to recent genre breakout films like Hereditary and Relic. Just the sort of perfect midnight fare you require for your next injection of nightmare fuel.”

The Georgia Straight, Vancouver's oldest alternative newspaper

Year in, year out for 39 years, Vancouver’s alternative newspaper has emerged as the ‘go to’ media outlet for reliable, informed, out of the box and engaging Vancouver International Film Festival reviews. In 2020, during VIFF Virtual, such once again proves to be the case — with a difference this year, given that most of The Straight’s VIFF reviews were first printed in their sister paper, Toronto’s Now magazine.
Still and all, writerly élan makes for a wondrous read no matter the source of the original film reviews, and there are a great many reviews this year to aid you in putting your VIFF 2020 virtual film festival online schedule together, to completely consume your life over the 14 days commencing this upcoming Thursday, September 24th.

VIFF 2020 | Compassion, Class, Isolation & Humanitarianism

The 2020, 39th annual Vancouver International Film Festival

In the midst of our globe’s current COVID-19 pandemic, VanRamblings has chosen to present “previews” only of films that will be offered for screening online, and leave the In Cinema films on offer at the 39th annual Vancouver International Film Festival to other “critics”, all in the interest of keeping you safe from any harm, and any potential exigency of COVID-19.
Today, for your edification and enjoyment, four more well-curated VIFF 2020 films for you to consider, even as you traverse the rocky shoals of the upcoming 42nd British Columbia provincial election.

There Is No Evil (Germany/Czech Republic/Iran). Winner of this year’s top prize, the Golden Bear, at the Berlinale, Iranian filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof could not attend the ceremony in Berlin, due to an Iran-sanctioned travel ban and possible prison sentence for his politically charged film.
Long banned from filmmaking in Iran but still active, screenwriter and director Rasoulof returns to the great moral themes that underlie all his work, as he orchestrates a cautionary tale comprised of four discrete chapters, creating a powerful moral case against Iran’s death penalty, tracking four military men tasked with executions, where to resist Iran’s authoritarian regime brings dire consequences, each compassionate story a standalone short film exploring a different facet of the subject.
Slow burning, at times enigmatic, one quasi-escapist tangent morphs into a sentimental romantic drama. But even so, overall Evil offers troubling film fare, sometimes didactic but always tension-filled and enthralling, the underlying moral conundrum of the film percolating through each chapter of There Is No Evil, set to emerge as one of VIFF 2020’s must-see films.

Citizen Penn (USA | Documentary). On January 12th, 2010, a devastating 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, altering the landscape and lives of millions. Aid workers from around the globe descended on the island, along with one unlikely leader — actor and filmmaker Sean Penn. What began as a brief relief attempt turned into a decade of dedicated effort on the part of Penn to not only save lives but to revitalize a community.
Citizen Penn chronicles the moment Penn arrives on the island, and the ten years since, as Penn the humanitarian carts supplies, builds tents, procures medicine, and calls on his Hollywood friends to join with financial support. Acclaimed documentarian Don Hardy (Pick of the Litter), with unprecedented access to this once very private figure, offers an intimate look at the challenges faced when one man decides to do something in the face of adversity. — Deborah Rudolph, Programmer, Tribeca Film Festival.

My Wonderful Wanda (Switzerland). Award-winning Swiss director Bettina Oberli’s entry this year to the Tribeca Film Festival, My Wonderful Wanda offers a story about an underpaid personal nurse from Poland, Wanda (Agnieszka Grochowska), who works for low wages for a well-to-do-family, who live in a spectacular Swiss villa alongside a picturesque lake.
Wanda’s job is to care for Josef (André Jung), the patriarch who is recovering from a stroke. As his 70th birthday approaches, in addition to nursing Josef, Wanda takes on some cleaning chores, while deriving yet another source of income from Josef that no one else knows about.
Originally set to début at Cannes this year, although the pandemic changed that plan, My Wonderful Wanda emerges as a caustic satire and comedy of errors, tackling issues of class, family, complacency, reputation, and money — which contrary to the belief of some, does not buy you happiness.
Anchored by Teen Spirit’s Grochowska, Downfall’s Birgit Minichmayr, with a brilliant turn by Marathon Man’s always wonderful Martha Keller, My Wonderful Wanda keeps the twists and turns coming, especially when Wanda’s father Pawel Kowalski (Cezary Pazura) steps into the chaos.

Siberia (Italy/Germany/Mexico). On the one hand, Siberia is a traditional story of an aging, existentially tortured artist who grapples with the decisions he’s made, a character who almost certainly serves as an avatar for the director, played by regular Ferrara leading man Willem Dafoe.
On the other hand, Siberia is an experiment in dream logic, filled with unhinged, almost Lynchian imagery and symbols. Yet, even so, the film is often quite evocative and affecting, Siberia the latest rumination on life from agent provocateur Abel Ferrara. As VIFF programmer Tom Charity writes on VIFF online, “This is pure cinema that takes no prisoners, and the darkest trip that 2020 has offered up — either on-screen or off.”
Visually striking, meticulously composed and a self-mythologizing existential journey, Wendy Ide writes in Screen Daily, “the film looks like the insta feed of a well-traveled psychopath, lacking honesty or meaning. Perhaps the Ferrara name and the extreme response to the picture following its première in Berlin might be enough to secure further festival bookings, and perhaps even sales to VOD platforms based on oddity value.”
Abel Ferrera. You either love him and his oeuvre, or he’s decidedly just not your cup of tea. British film critic Guy Lodge writes in his review in Variety, “There’s certainly feeling and fury in its study of disaffected masculinity left to fester in isolation, as the viewer is pulled along by the film’s strong, seductive, dreamlike current. As we are woken from our reverie when the darkness lifts, as a viewer we are left to wonder, “What just happened?”.