All posts by Raymond Tomlin

About Raymond Tomlin

Raymond Tomlin is a veteran journalist and educator who has written frequently on the political realm — municipal, provincial and federal — as well as on cinema, mainstream popular culture, the arts, and technology.

Vancouver Votes 2018 | Mount Pleasant Mayoral Forum

On Monday evening, Little Mountain Neighbourhood House held a Mayoral Forum, at Vancouver’s Heritage Hall, located at 15th and Main.
Seven of the twenty-one Mayoral candidates seeking to fill the Mayor’s chair were invited to the forum, but only four chose to attend …

  • Pro Vancouver’s David Chen;

  • Yes Vancouver’s Hector Bremner;
  • Independent Shauna Sylvester; and
  • Vancouver First’s Fred Harding.

Three of the invited Mayoral candidates chose not to attend the NPA’s Ken Sim, independent Kennedy Stewart, and the Coalition Party’s Wai Young.
The evening was informative, as the Mayoral candidates addressed their policies on transit, child care, affordable housing & the livability of our city.
The evening was also informative for the politically astute — Pro Vancouver’s David Chen knew what he was talking about, and enunciated thoughtful positions on the issues, as did independent candidate for Mayor, Shauna Sylvester, the other two Mayoral candidates not so much.



As avuncular and well-spoken as Yes Vancouver’s Hector Bremner and Vancouver First’s Fred Harding proved to be, there was little that came out of their mouths that could be considered to be anything other than a egregious misrepresentation of the truth, indicating to anyone in attendance that neither man had anything approaching a command of city planning, leading audience members to the only reasonable conclusion: neither gentleman knew what they were talking about, and both meant to mislead and misrepresent, in service of their nascent mayoral candidacies.
For instance, on the issues, Messrs. Harding and Bremner weighed in as follows …

  • Hector Bremner told the audience that “the reason rental housing isn’t being built in the city” is because Vision Vancouver extracts usurious community amenity contributions (CACs) from developers, as was the case recently with a developer “friend” of the affable Mr. Bremner, who he told those in attendance the city had required “millions of dollar in CACs that made the rental apartment construction “unviable.”

    Um, hmmm, no. In fact, developers who build purpose built rental through the city’s Rental 100 programme are NOT charged any CAC “fees” (building rental is good enough for the city), and as added incentive, the city allows the developer added height (for a tower, generally up to six stories), sometimes called bonus density. Hector Bremner is a current Vancouver Councillor — he oughta know better;

  • Fred Harding, on the other hand, made a commitment to “free transit” for everyone should he become Mayor of the City of Vancouver following the October 20th civic election. There was no promise of a chicken in every pot, but there might well have been.

    Anyone who has the least awareness of what’s going on in respect of the transit file must be aware of Joey Hartman and the Metro Vancouver Alliance’s lobbying on transit with Shane Simpson and Mable Elmore, the provincial Minister and the Parliamentary Secretary, respectively, Responsible for Poverty Reduction, and that this month the Minister will release his long-promised poverty reduction strategy, which in the short term will eliminate transit fares for children five to 12 years of age, and may do the same thing for children 12 – 18 (the latter is being discussed in Cabinet, and provincial NDP caucus).

    Furthermore, there’s a provincial plan in the works to reduce transit fares for those earning less than $40,000 a year. At present, 212,000 low income seniors and other eligible persons 60 years of age and older, and 128,000 British Columbians designated as persons with disabilities may avail themselves of the $45 annual B.C. Bus Pass programme Compass Card, while all senior citizens are eligible for the $55 monthly, three zone concession fare card. Great for Mr. Harding to appropriate a New Democratic Party and Coalition of Vancouver Electors (COPE) longstanding, and imminently implemented policy platform on transit.

To be fair to Messrs. Harding and Bremner, their misrepresentation of the truth didn’t hold a candlestick to Coalition Party’s Wai Young telling those in attendance at the recent S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Mayoral debate that “it is the Coalition Party that has long lead the fight against that damnable 12-foot wide asphalt bike path through Kitsilano Beach, and right through the children’s play area, jeopardizing their health.” Um, nnnnooooo


So, Monday night’s Mayoral Forum wasn’t quite all that it was cracked up to be — 2014’s Mount Pleasant electoral forum was a barn burner, candidates sitting up on a raised stage, and the audience in such a state of high dudgeon that you could all but smell the blood in the air.
Still and all, a goodly number of people, concerned citizens all, turned up on Monday night at Heritage Hall, so at least that was heartening.

Don't Miss Upcoming Vancouver Civic Election All Candidates Meetings. Click On This Graphic for More

In 2018, one is left with a lingering impression, a sinking, almost forboding sense of dis-ease and collective anomie that this, the soporific 2018 Vancouver civic election has become one of the most numbing, non-issue driven, least contentious & most uninvolving municipal election campaigns Vancouver’s public has experienced in recent years — none of which feels good, or leads one to believe that we’re going to get the city we need.

The 2018 Vancouver civic election is one of the most boring elections ever in the city's history

Kennedy Stewart aka Mr. Bland seems to be the inevitable choice for Mayor — no matter how well Shauna Sylvester performs on the hustings — OneCity’s Christine Boyle and COPE’s Derrick O’Keefe seem not to have caught fire with the public (“c’mon now people, Derrick and Christine are the two most exciting, transcendently change-making and charismatic civic election candidates in 30 years!”), there’s no good (Vision) vs evil (NPA) narrative in this campaign, Vision is likely to get wiped out on election night, and no matter how transforming COPE’s and OneCity Vancouver’s campaigns are in this election — honest, they’re the saviours of our city, why don’t people see that? — the voting public seems capable of little more than an occasional sideways glance, and a drowsy attempt to stifle a yawn.

Vote COPE and One City candidates in the 2018 Vancouver civic election

Vancouver Votes 2018 | Rob McDowell, City Council candidate

Rob McDowell is VanRamblings’ favourite of the independent candidates seeking a seat on Vancouver City Council in the 2018 municipal election.
VanRamblings heartily endorses MCDOWELL, Robert — 17th from the bottom of the randomized Councillor ballot list, which makes it relatively easy for you to find his name, and cast a vote for a man who we believe and know to be brilliant, a true democrat, and one of the most qualified candidates to seek elected office in recent Vancouver political history.
A careful and judicious listening to the audio of the video above will only serve to confirm for you our assessment of the accomplished Robert McDowell — who is a must-vote when you go to the polls this month (advance polls, October 10 – 17; Election Day, Saturday, October 20th).
VanRamblings recalls the joy in Rob’s voice when he called us late in the morning of Tuesday, January 15, 2015, when Supreme Court Justice Mark McEwan issued his reasons for judgement in a groundbreaking ruling that killed a Yaletown development after a flawed land swap process, that reignited election criticisms over transparency and fairness at Vancouver City Hall. Rob excitedly read this passage of the ruling to VanRamblings …

“I have concluded in this case that the public hearing and the development permit processes were flawed in that the City has taken an unduly restrictive view of the discussion that should have been permitted to address the true nature and overall cost/benefit of the 508/1099 project to the City and its residents,” McEwan wrote.

“A public hearing is not just an occasion for the public to blow off steam: it is a chance for perspectives to be heard that have not been heard as the City’s focus has narrowed during the project negotiations. Those perspectives, in turn, must be fairly and scrupulously considered and evaluated by council before making its final decision.”

Revolutionary, Rob called the ruling …

“It means, going forward, that City Hall and City Council must not only hear from the public,” Rob told VanRamblings, “they must ensure that the hearing process is fair, open and transparent, that all and any member of the public who is concerned about a decision Council will rule on must be heard, but what’s more, the ruling stipulates that City Hall and Council must do more than simply listen to the public, City Hall’s Planning and all other city departments must incorporate the ideas heard from the public when presenting a finalized plan to City Council for adjudication.”

For the past five years, VanRamblings & the accomplished Robert McDowell have met once a month at Trees Organic on Homer Street to talk politics — but not just talk politics, rather to influence the decision-making that goes on both at Council and Park Board. More often than not, our respective and collective endeavours have proven successful in achieving a decision at Council and Park Board that best serves the public interest.

Don't Miss Upcoming Vancouver Civic Election All Candidates Meetings. Click On This Graphic for More

You won’t be surprised to read that Vision Vancouver challenged the ruling of the Honourable Supreme Court Justice, the ruling overruled in the always conservative Court of Appeals. For awhile, though, it looked good for us.

Rob McDowell, a must-elect candidate for Vancouver City Council

VanRamblings knows Rob McDowell. We know him to be a democrat, to not have missed a meeting of Vancouver City Council in seven years (sometimes, when he’s working in some far flung place across the globe, Rob will watch Council meetings through the video feed), to be eminently qualified to sit as a democratic and engaged member of Vancouver City Council, and to be your advocate at City Hall, the diplomatic and mediating force (working in concert with OneCity Vancouver candidate for Vancouver City Council, the estimable Christine Boyle) representing your dreams, your hopes and desires for a better, fairer, more diverse, friendlier and more welcoming Vancouver, breaking down the barriers of isolation that separate us, in the process building community, and a sense of place and of home.
VanRamblings asks that you save a vote for MCDOWELL, Robert when you go to the polls this month — you’ll be glad you did!

VIFF 2018 | The ALT Short Films Programme | Must-Attend

2018 Vancouver International Film Festival: ALT series Short Film programme

An often overlooked aspect of the Vancouver International Film Festival is the must-see Short Films series, programmed by the estimable Sandy Gow.
In 2018, as per usual, there are five programmes within the ALT Short Film series, curated by Sandy Gow, with input and assistance from a volunteer screening team consisting of Andree Faucher, Josh Hamm, Ray Lai, and Lori Strong, who throughout the year screen up to 750 films, before Sandy makes the final cut, creating five programmes of six to nine films …

  • Close Quarters. Eight True North Short Films ranging in length from six to thirty-four minutes, featuring creative ‘young’ Canadian filmmakers, exploring subject matter, including: an adult with autism spectrum disorder, an increasingly isolated city woman who takes refuge in her apartment, to a surreal, romantic tragicomedy about a man who merges with his war plane and can no longer connect with his wife, each punch in the gut short film spanning the depth and breadth of human experience;

  • The Curtain Calls. Seven more astounding, must-see True North Short Films that will leave you breathless, from Québec-based directors Emilie Mannering and Carmine Pierre-Dufour’s, Mahalia Melts in the Rain (12 minutes), the story of a a timid nine-year-old black girl (middle right, in the graphic above), to Encore (13 minutes), the story of a young piano player (see picture below) who tries to help his mother cope with the death of her husband the only way he knows how — through music.

    2018 Vancouver International Film Festival: ALT series Short Film programme | Encore

  • Escape Routes. Québec and B.C.-based new directors, exploring “getting away from it all”, in whatever form that takes, freight train or bus travel, or taking a much-needed break from the prosaic demands of one’s life;
  • Matters of Grave Importance. Sandy comes up with the names of each short films programme, so from the series name you can pretty much guess the subject matter of the eight films in this shorts programme: confronting the consequences of an irreversible decision, keeping quiet about a friend’s indiscretion, a young girl attempting to save a grievously wounded rabbit, and coming to terms with Mother Nature.

    2018 Vancouver International Film Festival: ALT series Short Film programme | Loretta's Flowers

  • Various Positions. Reflections on life would appear to be the theme of this nine short films programme (we’d meant to talk with Sandy before writing today’s column, but just as he predicted, we didn’t get around to it), with subject matter ranging from three young women searching for ways to kill time as they await the arrival of a church organ player, a young woman’s summer cycle through Toronto, to a mesmerizing look at the tranquil countryside found on the Isle of Coll, Scotland.

Thirty-eight all Canadian films in total in the ALT series five short film programmes, each film life-changing, each film transporting and transcendently lovely and meaningful, and each film very much worthy of your time.
Note. Short Films series programmer Sandy Gow wishes to emphasize that all of the films curated in the Short Films series this year are Canadian! Below, we write about the Reel Youth Film Festival; Sandy Gow and his team are not involved in programming VIFF’S annual youth film festival.

2018 Vancouver International Film Festival: ALT series Short Films | Reel Youth Film Festival

There is one more series in the short film programme, to which school districts find the funds each year to transport students to Cineplex International Village Cinema, to take in the 22-film Reel Youth Film Festival.
The most compelling collection of short films from across the globe, all made by youth, and chosen by a youth selection panel from over 1500 submissions, this cogent, powerful, gripping, enthralling, captivating and irresistible collection of short films allows those in attendance at the upcoming screenings — on Tuesday, October 2nd at 11:15am, and Wednesday, October 10th at 6:30pm — to catch a spellbinding glimpse of the world through the eyes of an emerging group of gifted filmmakers.

VIFF 2018 | Vacationing in New York at the Vancouver Film Festival

VIFF 2018 shares 21 films with the New York Film Festival in 2018

Each year for most of the history of the Vancouver International Film Festival, the prestigious, heavily juried and much smaller New York Film Festival kicks off on the same date as VIFF, creating something of a logistical problem for the print traffic folks at Vancouver’s film festival (and New York’s, as well), arising from the fact that the respective film festivals generally share 15+ films (out of a total of 30) — as is the case again this year — and the logistics of transporting the one-and-only “print” of the film back and forth can be, and has often proved to be, something of a terrible, pull-your-hair-out nightmare for the print traffic folks at both film festivals.
Still and all, somehow both VIFF and the good folks at the NYFF each year manage to “exchange” films without a glitch.
As above, this year there are a record number of films screening at both VIFF 2018 and NYFF56, 21 in total, far more than in any previous year.
In 2018, the films VIFF 2018 and the NYFF56 will exchange (all of these films will screen at both the New York & the Vancouver film festivals) …

The Favourite

3 faces


Ash is the Purest White, part of the Vancouver International Film Festival's Dragons & Tigers series


Carmine Street Guitars

cold war

a family tour

la flor


happy as lazzaro

the image book

in my room

Long Day's Journey Into Night

Maria by Callas


Ray and Liz


Sorry Angel


What You Gonna Do When the World's on Fire?