The Journey East: Nova Scotia for a 60th birthday celebration

At the time you read this, VanRamblings will be bound, on Air Canada Flight 184, on the first leg of our 60th birthday journey to Nova Scotia, arriving at Halifax Stanfield International Airport at 7:28 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time. Choosing where to sit on the Airbus 319, we were fortunate to secure a window seat (18a), which will allow us to take photos we’ll publish on the site later today. The 2nd leg of our journey will take us to Annapolis Royal.
Upon arrival in Halifax, we’ll take the Airport Shuttle to Howe Hall at Dalhousie University (cuz staying at the university is inexpensive, central, and reminds us of our university days, oh so very long ago). We’ll stay at Dalhousie thru Friday, as we roam about greater Halifax, and decompress from our too busy life in the big, bustling city on Canada’s west coast.