Category Archives: VanRamblings

Welcome to the launch of Vancouver’s newest weblog !!!

Welcome to, Vancouver’s newest Weblog
According to a note on the The‘s blog information page, “bloggers are public diarists, interactive pamphleteers, do it yourself digital commentators.” VanRamblings will do all it can to achieve those ends.
Bloggers get their name from Web logs, a relatively new form of publication on the Internet. A blog has been called “a cross between an online diary and a cybermagazine, aggressively updated to draw readers back”.
Just a few years ago, blogs were relatively rare. Now there are millions (our own weblog list, right, will grow each week), devoted to every topic imaginable. But those who have had the most impact write about politics, popular culture, and emergent new media. Thus the links you see around the site, and the already published stories available at VanRamblings.
Read the Site Introduction, top left, for reference to the direction will take in the coming weeks, months and years.
On a concluding, upbeat note, Editor David Beers, and fellow travellers, at The Tyee listed VanRamblings as a linkable site, effective Sunday.
And, late last evening, friend, colleague and Galiano Island bon vivant Jay Currie provided his own warm welcome to VanRamblings.
If you’ve just found your way here, welcome. Exciting days are ahead.
Stay tuned.

Copy Editor Comes On Board

Friend, neighbour and colleague David Cubitt has come on board as Copy Editor, to ensure the content on this site is, at least, readable. Mr. Cubitt, however, is quick to point out that he disavows any responsibility for the content published on the site. Still and all, David’s contribution will be much appreciated by all of us in the days to come, I’m sure.