Category Archives: VanRamblings

VanRamblings to Resume Publishing Later In November


Later this month, VanRamblings will once again commence daily publishing. November has proved to be a particularly busy month for the administrator of VanRamblings, as the administrator — in what some might view as a foolhardy show of bravado — took on three separate projects during the course of the month, one of which would appear to be coming to a close this next week, another which is due to move into Phase 2 (with three more phases to go), and the final project ongoing but due for a degree of rationalization.
Details on at least one of the projects mentioned above will be published on VanRamblings towards early December.
In the meantime, you may wish to surf around the website, to gain a sense of just what it is we are attempting to accomplish.
Although the main thrust of the work undertaken by VanRamblings falls into the realm of progressive politics, we do not concern ourselves solely with the nature of social interaction in contemporary society. To that end, VanRamblings publishes regular, non-political columns, covering issues such as …

  • Web-tech (Tuesdays), where we focus mainly on security-related issues, but cover, as well, the gamut of hi-tech and information technology. This column resumes later in the month.
  • Television (Wednesdays), providing all the latest casting news, ratings, information on specials, and home entertainment-related issues.
  • Video & DVD (Thursdays), reviewing all of the week’s new releases.

In addition to the regular columns, VanRamblings will continue its coverage of the British Columbia political scene (where coverage will ramp up dramatically as we edge ever closer to the May 17, 2005 provincial election, an absolutely crucial Canadian election), Canadian politics, the environment, and issues of concern to Vancouverites, where we’ll continue to cast a wary eye on issues ranging from development, the Greater Vancouver Regional District and Translink boards, and other political bodies, and more.
Please accept our apologies for the prolonged cessation in daily publishing. We’re on our way back. See you here later in the month.

Harried Man Makes Rare Posting to VanRamblings


Wonder what’s happened to VanRamblings, and why postings in October have been all but non-existent?

Following on the heels of the death-defying car accident of September 26th, the recovery from said jolting incident (which destroyed the trusty olde Volvo), as well as all of the attendant negotiations with the insurance company, the purchase of a new vehicle (well, almost) … not to mention work, work, work (October is always the busiest month for the administrator of VanRamblings) on three diffferent time-consuming projects, something had to give.

Thus postings on VanRamblings will be rare for the next two weeks.

VanRamblings will try to get in its licks on the coming election in the U.S. (read Talk Left’s initial take on the final Presidential debate), but not for the next while. We’ll see you in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, feel free to read through the topic category postings. Enjoy life. See ya soon.

VanRamblings Off The Net For ISP Service Upgrade

Service will resume Friday evening / Saturday morning
As Telus, VanRamblings’ Internet Service Provider, undertakes an upgrade of high-speed Internet Service across British Columbia’s Lower Mainland, VanRamblings will be off the Net until service has been completed.
VanRamblings’ Internet service will be restored in the next 24 – 72 hours.
In the meantime, click on any one of the Topic categories to your right, or on VanRamblings’ archives. The site is up, just not being updated. VanRamblings will be updated soon, though, and all of your favourite features will return (look for a new Unbelievable Truth Saturday night).

Happy 29th Birthday, Jude Nathan Tomlin

Jude Nathan Tomlin
Jude Nathan Tomlin, in Vancouver, at 5 years of age

A gentle but strong, kind and generous, son came to this Earth 29 years ago today, at 1:42 on a radiant Sunday afternoon. Jude Nathan Tomlin — DJ, musician, chef extraordinaire, student, and participant in Vancouver’s burgeoning construction industry — completes college work in International Business this summer, following which he will traverse the globe.
The picture you see of Jude, above, is reflective of the serious, yet optimistic and happy-go-lucky young man you would meet today.
At his birth, Cathy (Jude’s mom) captured her feelings surrounding Jude coming to this Earth. Next year, VanRamblings will see if we can present Cathy’s reflections of that very special mid-Spring day. As for me, his father, being present at his birth, and ‘catching’ Jude as he emerged from his mother’s womb, has proved to be the single most spectacular moment of my time on this Earth. In the intervening years to the present, Jude has for us been a source of joy and love, great and full of wonderment.
Today, we celebrate the anniversary of Jude’s birth. Happy 29th Birthday, Nathan. We love you.