Category Archives: Travel

Corinne’s Rio Diary, Instalment Cinco: Loss of Innocence

Hi all
Only up to 36º C today.
I slept out in the courtyard last night, as there is no electricity yet in the maid’s room to run the fan. There was, however, something of a cooling breeze in the courtyard, so … Sleeping in the courtyard, too, actually proved quieter than would have been the case had I stayed in the bedroom (the bedroom is located at the bottom of a masonry box, about 20-30 feet deep) as the dogs nearby bark so loudly, and the rat-a-tat of gunfire from the nearby favelas that announce the arrival of a new shipment of drugs, often serve to make restful sleep somewhat difficult.

Continue reading Corinne’s Rio Diary, Instalment Cinco: Loss of Innocence

Corinne’s Rio Diary, Instalment Três: Bus 174
Or, the desserts just keep on comin’

Hi all,
Despite the fact that last week, the drug lords shot up a city bus, I took a city bus out to Ipanema (of “Tall and tan and young and lovely…” fame) and walked back as far as Copacabana. It was a rainy day, so it wasn’t crowded on the beach. And it didn’t rain constantly, and it was about 28 degrees Celsius, so it wasn’t cold.

Continue reading Corinne’s Rio Diary, Instalment Três: Bus 174
Or, the desserts just keep on comin’

Corinne’s Rio Diary: Instalment Dois
Tiny tight skirts, and palace sightseeing

Hi all,
What is most foreign to me in Rio? Not the language, not the food, not the temperature – but the people themselves. 40% of Brasilians are under the age of 20. In Rio, 20 – 30% of the women seem to be pregnant. This is not anything like Nova Scotia.
And, the people are gorgeous! Both the men and the women. Skin colours range from deepest black to pale-skinned redheads. It’s so hot that the men walk around – except in the downtown where they wear suits, or at least dress shirts – without shirts, just shorts and sandals or shoes.

Continue reading Corinne’s Rio Diary: Instalment Dois
Tiny tight skirts, and palace sightseeing