When you judge other people remember one overriding axiom: Everyone is having a hard time. Everyone is insecure. Everyone is hassled. Everyone is tired — we all need more sleep. Everyone wishes he had more courage, more money and better social skills. Everyone wants more glamour in his life, and we all desperately need more laughter. Few can figure out how they ended up living the life they lead. Don’t be misled by flippant talk; it’s a battle for everyone . . . Give people a break. It’s not easy doing a life.” — Joshua Halberstam in Everyday Ethics.
Category Archives: Thought for the Day
Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live. — writer and well-known wit Dorothy Parker.
Computer Security: Predicting The (Near) Future
(Get rid of your Windows 95/98/ME … NOW !!!)
“(On) the security theme, look for lots of software companies to abandon support for old products and OS’s. From their perspective, they already have your money, so continuing support is just a cost centre for them.
And if they stop support, you just may replace that old computer or application with something new, generating additional software sales opportunities. This means Microsoft giving up support for old OS variants and hardware, but it also means the same from security companies like Network Associates (McAfee) and Symantec (Norton AntiVirus).
More and more old machines will become vulnerable, and a new kind of web-destroying attack using just antiquated, pre-Pentium IV Windows 9x, personal computers, is entirely likely. — Predictions for 2004, by Robert X. Cringely, writer, broadcaster, computer guy, PBS and InfoWorld columnist
Way of the World in Turbulent Times
“There are countless horrible things happening all over the country, and horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy them whenever possible” — Auberon Waugh