Category Archives: Food & Health

Agatston isn’t a diet doctor; he’s a doctor who prevents diseases

The South Beach Diet: A doctor based at Miami Beach’s Mt. Sinai Medical Center, noted cardiologist Arthur Agatston’s hard cover South Beach Diet book has sat atop the New York Times’ non-fiction bestseller list for a year.
Not your run-of-the-mill low-carb diet, Dr. Agatson contends that by following his nutritional plan you will dramatically reduce your potential for coronary heart disease and diabetes, and will feel much, much healthier.
The diet on which Bill Clinton lost 38 pounds in the first three months — and having experienced some personal success with Agatson’s nutritional plan (while stuffing myself with cheese, nuts, veggies, meat, poultry and fish) — the South Beach Diet is something you may want to check out.
The best part: you lose that dangerous and disturbing belly fat first!