All posts by Raymond Tomlin

About Raymond Tomlin

Raymond Tomlin is a veteran journalist and educator who has written frequently on the political realm — municipal, provincial and federal — as well as on cinema, mainstream popular culture, the arts, and technology.

Vancouver Votes 2018 | Eight Good Women, and Two Good Men

Vancouver Votes 2018 | Election Outcome | Hope Progress Change

This past Saturday evening, the voters of Vancouver averted disaster.
Considering what might have been, the circus the next Council might have turned into, the results of Vancouver Votes 2018 represents one of the best possible outcomes for those of us who care about the life of our city.
As we wrote on Sunday, October 14th, Blue Lake City in Humboldt County California elected an all-woman City Council in 2017.
Other than the Blue Lake example, on Saturday night Vancouver citizens voted for the only City Council on the continent where 80% of our municipal representatives are women of heart, wit, substantive policy ideals, and on the ground, real life accomplishment, who we believe mean much good for our city over the course of the next four years.

Vancouver City Council | 2018 - 2022Top, l-r: Michael Wiebe, Christine Boyle, Jean Swanson, Colleen Hardwick, Pete Fry
B (l-r:) Adriane Carr, Melissa De Genova, Lisa Dominato, Rebecca Bligh, Sarah Kirby-Yung

VanRamblings believes voters have fortuitously put in place one of the only post partisan municipal administrations on the continent. The rancour between right and left that defined governance in our city over the past 10 years is a thing of the past. Never again will we see the dispiriting partisan bitterness that was a central feature of Vision Vancouver’s years in power.
And for that, we should all be grateful.
VanRamblings also believes that municipal voters have put in place at Vancouver City Hall the most progressive government since the days of the Art Phillips administration in the early 1970s. The capacity for good outcomes of legislative endeavours in the Council chambers is limitless — and leaves us feeling full of hope towards the building of the city we need.
Voters wanted change. Voter got change. The days of rancour are over.

Vancouver City Hall, Council chambers

Who constitutes Vancouver’s next City Council & what does it mean for us? (list of elected Councillors below, by number of votes secured, top vote-getter to bottom)

2015. Province reporter Cassidy Olivier sits down with Vancouver Coun. Adriane Carr

Adriane Carr. The moral leader of the incoming Council, having served two terms in office, a democrat of the first order, and in 2018 once again the top vote-getter, Adriane Carr’s re-election means much good for the city — working with Mayor-elect Kennedy Stewart, and not just the five-member progressive caucus, but across the aisle as well with the newly-elected or returning members of the Vancouver Non-Partisan Association caucus.

Pete Fry. The city builder, who along with Christine Boyle represent the two most progressive new members of Vancouver City Council, so articulate and thoughtful that he may bring you to tears, not only means well for the city, but working with all of his other Council mates, will do well for the city. Has developed a human-scale Jane Jacobs-like neighbourhood development plan that will put the power back in the hands of citizens. Committed to building the city we need, and to see it come to fruition, sooner than later.

2012. Vancouver City Councillor Melissa De Genova during her tenure on Park Board

Melissa De Genova. Will represent an eighth vote to get Kennedy Stewart’s budget passed (a super majority of 8 Councillors is required to pass the city budget).

Retired Vancouver City Councillor forwards a correction to VanRamblings

As is the case with Sarah Kirby-Yung — both women are former Park Board Commissioners — committed to our city’s parks and recreation system. As outgoing, two-term NPA City Councillor George Affleck said on Global BC’s NewsHour last evening, “There’s going to be some horse trading behind closed doors, in order to get anything done.” NPA Councillor Kirby-Yung & Councillor De Genova will, as a top priority, ensure the proper funding of our city’s parks and recreation system — because they, unlike the left surprisingly, see parks and recreation as a class issue, deserving of our attention and better than adequate funding. Oh yes: tough as nails.

Jean Swanson. In the video below, outgoing NPA City Councillor George Affleck suggests that Jean Swanson will be a disruptor on City Council. Let’s hope so. We’ve had a non-functioning, discriminatory status quo for far too long. Will emerge as the conscience of the incoming City Council. VanRamblings can’t wait to see Ms. Swanson and Colleen Hardwick go head to head — it won’t be pretty, but Jean will emerge victorious.
In the final week of the election, the Vancouver Greens signed onto COPE’s Rent Freeze campaign commitment. One would have to think Green caucus members, and OneCity Vancouver’s Christine Boyle, would join Jean in demanding that the provincial government give Council the ability to freeze rents. If the province doesn’t sign on to the initiative, Council has options open to them to achieve the rent freeze, and a great deal more for tenants. Best part of Jean’s recent election to Council? The pending resolution to 58 West Hastings (across from the Army & Navy), which will finally be converted into, and built as, a 100% low cost social housing rental project.

Outgoing NPA Vancouver City Councillor George Affleck suggesting incumbent Councillor Melissa De Genova , and incoming City Councillor Colleen Hardwick may be cray-cray

Colleen Hardwick. Currently completing her PhD with UBC professor of urban development, Patrick Condon. Owner of PlaceSpeak, a location-based community consultation platform. Late father: Walter Hardwick, UBC professor and former City Councillor, developed the Livable Region Plan, determining development across the region. Good on the transit file, and on urban development. Probably the most right-wing of the newly-elected Councillors. If she can keep herself focused on policy — and stay away from commentary on social issues, keeping her feet out of her mouth — Councillor Hardwick will do herself, and her father’s legacy, proud.

Michael Wiebe. Brimming with ideas, as he told VanRamblings on election night, on Saturday. Will be the arts advocate extraordinaire on the incoming Vancouver City Council, taking the place of outgoing City Councillors Heather Deal and Elizabeth Ball. Close to new Council mate, the NPA’s Sarah Kirby-Yung. Ran the strongest campaign of any Councillor seeking office in the 2018 Vancouver civic election. Just completed a term as a Park Board Commissioner and Chair, where he shone. A staunch environmentalist. The articulate, engaging, principled millennial voice of change on the incoming City Council. A force for good going forward.

Christine Boyle. VanRamblings is taken to saying, “Hope of our future” of some young persons of conscience of our acquaintance. Christine Boyle? The hope of our present. Despite yesterday’s VanRamblings column, our belief in Christine Boyle remains undiminished, her capacity for good, to work with others, to achieve the city we need, unparalleled among her peers. Along with Sarah Kirby-Yung, the single most important candidate to be elected to Vancouver City Council on Saturday evening, October 20th.

Lisa Dominato. Recent Vancouver School Board trustee. No fool she. Former Chief of Staff to B.C Liberal party Deputy Premiers, Ministers of Education, as well as a political advisor to the Minister of Management Services, Sandy Santori. Director, Student Wellness and Safety in the Ministry of Education, November 2010 to August 2017. Accomplished. As may be seen in the video, loving mom to her two young daughters, who are clearly destined to become future leaders (like their mom). Fiscally conservative (a good thing). Tends to prioritize market solutions (also not a bad thing). Tends to the quiet side, but will be a blockbuster Councillor behind the scenes to get things done. We’re lucky to have her on Council.

Rebecca Bligh. Impressive on the campaign trail, where she knocked our socks off. Solid on the small business advocacy front. Founded Vancouver’s shoebox project, a non-profit that delivers shoeboxes filled with small gifts and toiletries to homeless women. Tends to the conservative side of the political spectrum. Will emerge as one of the stars of our new City Council. Principled, with a strong social conscience. Means well for our city. Will work across the aisle. Non-dogmatic. Takes no guff. One of two important diversity voices on the new Council. Lives on the eastside with her (très cool) partner Laura, their teenagers & Bernese Mountain Dog, Kingsley.

Sarah Kirby-Yung. Hope of our future and our present. VanRamblings’ favourite win on Saturday night (it was a nail biter). Possessed of immense gifts of intelligence, and personal and & professional integrity. Identified by VanRamblings, along with One City Vancouver’s Christine Boyle and COPE’s Anne Roberts as a member of The Holy Trinity of Vancouver civic politics. Along with Ms. Boyle, the toughest, velvet-gloved ‘can do’ City Councillor in the next term of civic governance. There is no person VanRamblings feels safer around, and holds in higher regard than Sarah Kirby-Yung, whose capacity for good (and achieving that good) outstrips — by a country mile — any of her soon-to-be fellow Vancouver City Council running mates. Doubtful? Just wait and see. Hopefully, will become NPA caucus leader.

Vancouver Votes 2018 | Election Wrap-Up, Part 1

In the video above, newly-elected OneCity Vancouver City Councillor Christine Boyle says near the end of her victory speech …

“This is a pretty split Council. A pretty split body at every level. We are not going to move things easily without a lot of pressure from outside. We will continue you to need you to put that pressure on …”

With all due respect to Ms. Boyle, VanRamblings finds her remarks to the crowd of well-wishers and campaign volunteers at Saturday’s election night party to be not only ungenerous on a night of celebration for all the candidates who were victorious, and all the other candidates who ran campaigns of conscience, but to also be untrue & needlessly provocative.
Not to mention, just plain wrong & unbecoming of who we know her to be.
And while we’re at it, may we also add: dismissive of the humanity and integrity of her fellow newly electeds to Vancouver City Council — there’s nothing like passing judgment on people you’ve never met, we always say.
What a damn poor way to begin her tenure as a Vancouver City Councillor.
Whether Christine Boyle realizes it or not: Adriane Carr is a progressive who means well for our city.
Pete Fry is one of the humblest, most outstanding person of conscience and character we have ever met and worked with.
Melissa De Genova — for all that she is dismissed and demeaned in the ugly miasma that is Vancouver politics, by her own party and others, including in Ms. Boyle’s worrisome and intemperate remarks above — means well for our city, is far more progressive than she is given credit for, and is an elected who long ago earned our deep respect and admiration.
Jean Swanson = split Council? Uh, no.
Michael Wiebe ran, by far, the best and most expansive, not to mention, the most energized campaign of any of the candidates seeking office in the 2018 Vancouver civic election cycle, and was elected to office because he, too, is a person of conscience who means well for our city.

Newly-elected Vancouver City Councillor Christine Boyle out riding a bike with her son

Now you know, given that we spoke or otherwise communicated with newly-elected Councillor Boyle most days over the past six months, Christine Boyle might well have asked us of our informed assessment of the victorious candidates whose names appear above and below.
Newly-elected Councillor Boyle chose to do so. Why not? Oh, we could offer speculative reasons. Perhaps haughtiness on the part of Ms. Boyle, that she did not seek our counsel on those persons with whom she will now be employed as the people’s civic representative at City Hall the next 4 years?
Whatever the case, by the intemperate remarks made during her election night speech, Ms. Boyle has done damage (not irreparable damage, but damage nonetheless) to her near nascent term on Vancouver City Council, not to mention the damage she has unconsciously perpetrated on the well-meaning persons of conscience with whom she soon will be sitting at the circular table inside Council chambers at Vancouver City Hall.
Lisa Dominato, recent Vancouver School Board trustee, a person of conscience, and an accomplished woman of substance and political élan, Rebecca Bligh who, as we have written of her previously, just knocks our socks off and represents only one of two diversity City Councillors elected on Saturday evening, October 20th, and …
Sarah Kirby-Yung, whose “win” on Saturday night fills us with so much hope for our future that we are near to bursting.
A split Council, Ms. Boyle?
Not on your life. Your fellow Councillors represent accomplished women (8 WOMEN City Councillors — it is to weep with joy — women of conscience who, working with she and Mayor-elect Kennedy Stewart, WILL build the city we need). Does Ms. Boyle honestly think that the five Vancouver Non-Partisan Association City Councillors are going to oppose an affordable housing plan that includes co-and-co-op housing, and social housing built on City land, and federal and provincial Crown land? They’d be pretty nasty people if they did — nothing we know of at least four of the elected NPA Councillors would suggest them to be anything other than supporters of Vancouver City Hall’s gender variant policy, indigenous reconciliation strategy, women’s equity strategy, and who would stand foresquare, shoulder to shoulder with Ms. Boyle to support initiatives that oppose hate speech and conduct, and who would be anything less than supportive of environmental initiatives. Naïve, you say? That allegation was bandied about quite a bit during the election campaign, targeted to both Ms. Boyle & VanRamblings. Tch, tch. Nope ain’t havin’ any of it. No siree, Jane & Bob.

VanRamblings recognizes greatness in Christine BoylePublished the first time VanRamblings met Christine Boyle, back in March, at a COPE coalition exploratory meeting. We were inspired by her then, we’re still inspired by her

VanRamblings knows something about Christine Boyle she seems not to know about herself …

This past six months, Christine Boyle was a transformational candidate for civic office, and as an elected City Councillor, as a conciliator, as a person of conscience, as an inspirational figure on City Council who will not be denied, as the single individual on our new City Council best able to articulate what we all believe — and that includes her fellow newly-elected City Councillors — knows what must come to pass, she will find support.

Together, newly-elected Vancouver City Councillors Christine Boyle, Sarah Kirby-Yung, Pete Fry, Jean Swanson, Michael Wiebe, Rebecca Bligh, Adriane Carr, Lisa Dominato, Melissa De Genova and perhaps even Councillor Colleen Hardwick will, as we have written previously about Councillor Boyle, become just as smitten with our newly-elected OneCity Vancouver City Councillor as every other person who has ever met her — and who will come to feel compelled by this entirely tremendous catalyst of change for the better, on our incoming, progressive and change-making City Council.
Yes, in time, they too, these newly-electeds or returned-to-office City Councillors, will come to see within her what VanRamblings knows exists within her: that, as is the case with her very special and meaningful for our city fellow newly-electeds, Christine Boyle is a good person, a person who means well for our city, who will be a participant in the process of helping all of her fellow electeds realize their dreams for achieving the city we need, the city we need for all of us.

Councillor Elects on Civic Election Night in Vancouver, B.C., on Saturday, October 20, 2018

Park Board | Electeds | 2018 Vancouver civic election

School Board | Electeds | Vancouver civic election

Vancouver Votes 2018 | VanRamblings’ Endorsement Lists

VanRamblings | 2018 Vancouver civic election Endorsement List | Council | School Board | Park Board

VanRamblings urges you to take this list to the polls when you vote, referring to the graphic while looking at your smart phone. Easy enough to copy the graphic, and place it into your photos app. Otherwise, you can print VanRamblings’ endorsement list — as hundreds have — and take it to the polls. We flat out guarantee that this is the City Council, School Board and Park Board you want to elect on Saturday, October 20th!

VanRamblings’ City Council endorsement rationale is available here.

VanRamblings’ School Board endorsement rationale is available here.

VanRamblings | 2018 Vancouver civic election School Board Endorsements

VanRamblings’ Park Board endorsement rationale may be found here.

Vancouver Park Board Office

VanRamblings’ all women slate for Council may be found here.

2018 Vancouver civic election | Endorsed Woman Candidates for Office

Vancouver Votes 2018 | Christine Boyle, City Council | Must-Elect

More than any other candidate seeking office in the 2018 Vancouver civic election, VanRamblings believes that it is important that you cast a vote for Christine Boyle when arriving at the polls this upcoming Saturday.
This week, Vancouver voters are presented with the opportunity to cast a ballot for our town’s most environmentally responsible, progressive, qualified, socially conscious and ‘can do’ activist candidate seeking a seat on Vancouver City Council in our city’s current civic election.
Christine Boyle, for those of you who don’t know her, is a minister at the Canadian Memorial United Church at 15th and Burrard, a climate change & environmental activist, and a gifted community organizer who, with her partner Seth, parent their two children in the Grandview neighbourhood.
With a Bachelor of Science degree in urban agriculture and First Nations studies from the University of British Columbia, and a Master’s degree in religious leadership for social change from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, the pillars of Christine Boyle’s civic election platform involve implementing an affordable housing action plan, greater community participation in decisions affecting the lives of citizens across our city, a focus on renewed action to fight climate change, and ensuring “strong and compassionate public services” to serve the interests of the public.
In the months since we began writing on Vancouver’s municipal election, VanRamblings has come to believe that only with the participation of Christine Boyle at the Council table will those of us who live in Vancouver realize the resolution of the social and economic ills that plague our city.

Christine Boyle, "It's time to tackle Vancouver's deepening wealth gap"

VanRamblings has identified Christine Boyle as a member of the historic trinity of change candidates — the other two members of this trinity, the Greens’ Pete Fry & COPE’s Derrick O’Keefe — who working together with their party running mates will effectively work to build the city we need. I’ll
What does all of the above mean for you, for your life in the city, and the livability of Vancouver going forward? As is the case with must-elects Pete Fry and Derrick O’Keefe, Christine Boyle is committed to …

  • Public amenities. After 10 years of woeful underfunding of Vancouver’s parks and recreation system, Christine Boyle is committed to the growth and renewal of this critical public infrastructure;

  • Affordable housing in every neighbourhood. Christine Boyle’s one city for all programme recognizes housing as a human right; she will work to build 3500 units a year of low cost housing for millennials, seniors, working people earning under $55,000 a year, with a mix of co-and-co-op housing, social housing and rental buildings where residents would pay no more than 30% of their income on meeting their housing needs.

    Christine Boyle on City Council will work with her fellow Councillors to set a goal of 50% below-market-rate housing, built on city-owned land, as well as provincial & federal Crown land, on a leasehold basis, construction costs to be paid through developer community amenity contributions, federal and provincial funding, and a speculation land value capture tax;

  • Enhancing and building on Vancouver’s Greenest City Action Plan. From working to make walking, cycling and public transit the preferred transportation options, to leading the world in green building design, eliminating Vancouver’s dependence on fossil fuels, creating a zero waste economy, ensuring that we have the cleanest air and water of any city in the world, and creating incomparable access to our green spaces, Christine Boyle is the environmental candidate in the 2018 election;
  • Small business. Christine Boyle is committed to lowering small business tax, while having major corporate business pay a fairer share of tax.

Christine Boyle, in concert with her fellow City Councillors, will work with the provincial government to shorten the timelines for rollout of $10-a-day child care, while also making known the need for more money for transit, community shuttle bus, and overnight Skytrain and Canada Line service.

Christine Boyle, "Together we can change the way Vancouver is headed."

Child care centres established in housing co-op developments, as is the case at the 135-unit Railyard Housing Co-op, built on city land, the construction and materials paid for by Concert Properties through an arrangement with Vancouver’s Community Land Trust, a re-opening of The Playhouse as a year-round theatre company servicing all other theatre companies in Vancouver, continuity of care seniors housing built in every neighbourhood, and keeping our streets and our boulevards clean and groomed so it might once more be said that Vancouver is not only the most beautiful city on the continent, but the cleanest and most welcoming city.

OneCity Vancouver co-founders, Christine Boyle, Cara Ng, and Alison AtkinsonOneCity Vancouver co-founders, Christine Boyle, Cara Ng, and Alison Atkinson (Anna Chudnovsky missing from photo) working during last year’s Vancouver civic by-election

A troubling feature of the 2018 Vancouver civic election is, as Christine Boyle writes on her campaign website, “the toxic tone of politics online.”
Whether it be from the left or from the right, women candidates in the 2018 Vancouver civic election have too often found themselves the target of nasty commentary about their candidacies, and that includes — we are sad to report — One City’s Christine Boyle, who was able, in a reasoned manner to respond to noxious online commentary with a measured tone.

Christine Boyle, OneCity Vancouver candidate for City Council, takes Joseph Jones to the woodshed

The word most often employed by those who have either just met her, or who have known Christine Boyle for awhile, is smitten. How could anyone not be? Just watch the video above, and listen to what Christine Boyle has to say, and you will come to realize — as all of the other candidates in the 2018 Vancouver municipal election acknowledge — Christine Boyle is a transformational candidate for Vancouver City Council, and perhaps the single most important candidate for civic office of our lifetime.

VanRamblings | 2018 Vancouver civic election Endorsement List | Council | School Board | Park Board

VanRamblings urges you to take this list to the polls when you vote, referring to the graphic while looking at your smart phone. Easy enough to copy the graphic, and place it into your photos app. Otherwise, you can print VanRamblings’ endorsement list — as hundreds have — and take it to the polls. We flat out guarantee that this is the City Council, School Board and Park Board you want to elect on Saturday, October 20th!

VanRamblings’ City Council endorsement rationale is available here.
VanRamblings’ School Board endorsement rationale is available here.
VanRamblings’ Park Board endorsement rationale may be found here.
VanRamblings’ all women slate for Council may be found here.

2018 Vancouver civic election | Endorsed Woman Candidates for Office