Monthly Archives: August 2011

A Sojourn to Montréal, The 61st Birthday Jubilee Commences

Montréal, Quebéc

If it is 9 a.m. and you are reading this first travel post covering our journey to Montréal, we are somewhere over the Rocky Mountains, aboard WestJet Flight 366 (on a Boeing 737-800, seated near the front of the plane beside a window, in seat 6F), heading towards Toronto, where (the gods willing) we’ll arrive at 3:20 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time, before continuing what will be our Québec adventure. We will arrive in Montréal at 5:10 p.m.
VanRamblings has brought along two cameras: our trusty Panasonic Lumix FZ28 and our somewhat newer Canon Powershot Elph 300 HS, both of which shoot photos and video in glorious HD. Over the course of the next 8 days we hope to record anecdotal photos and video of our experience in la belle province. Yes, we’re going to take in the sights: old Montréal; the world famous Schwarz’s Deli (hey, VanRamblings is Jewish; oy vey, like we’re not going to partake of an authentic smoked meat sandwich); the Notre-Dame Basilica; and … well, you’re just going to have to come back to VanRamblings either later tonight or tomorrow morning for a couple of photos, and maybe, just maybe, a brief, illustrious and spectacular video.