Monthly Archives: February 2009

Insatiable Olympic Budget Puts Paid To All-Day Kindergarten In BC
by Noel Herron, retired school principal / former Vancouver school trustee


If anyone doubts the imminent demise of the emergence of a province-wide all-day kindergarten programme in BC in the near future, think again.
The emergence of an apparently insatiable Olympic appetite for taxpayer money coupled with the recent release of several bogus Olympic budgets, points to not just a postponement but the demise of key education initiatives, among them universal all-day kindergarten.
To think otherwise flies in the face of reality.
It’s not just the rushed January convening of a special session of the BC provincial legislature to bail out the billion dollar Olympic Village boondoggle, but the upcoming gathering storm around the hidden Olympic security budget that could top a billion dollars, eliminating any pretense of the availability of funds from Victoria for essential early childhood programmes.
Ironically, the Vancouver Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee have excluded the highly regarded humanitarian organization Right to Play from operating from the Vancouver Olympic Village site as it has in previous Olympics. Right to Play uses sports and play programmes to improve health, develop life skills and foster peace for children and communities in some of the world’s most disadvantaged countries.
On top of the Olympic Village’s potentially heavy debt, the exclusion of Right to Play further tarnishes the iconic status of this controversial site.
However, it was the late January front-page analysis by the Vancouver Sun pegging the overall Olympic debt at a massive $6 billion (and counting!), that puts paid to any remaining hope for the implementation of universal all-day kindergarten in all of BC’s 59 school districts in the near future.
Shamefully, it has now emerged that both Canadian and BC taxpayers have been either hoodwinked or lied to — in this case, both — by politicians at all levels (municipal, provincial, and federal) in the lead up to next year’s much ballyhooed Olympic sports extravaganza.
For the past three years provincial politicians have shamelessly promised action on the early childhood file. There has been no let up on the hype and spin from the Ministry of Education on this topic.
Parents were told we would have “great early childhood programmes in BC. Make no mistake: they will be some of the best in Canada.” The provincial government pleaded that it needed a little more time to “get it right,” and then, as our education minister boasted, “we are going to lead the way!”
The BC Liberals’ 2007 speech from the throne belatedly conceded that “currently approximately 25% of children (in BC) are not ready to learn when they enter kindergarten.”
Vague and over-the-top promises followed this speech, such as BC Education Minister Shirley Bond’s assertion that by the year 2012, BC will have, “pre-kindergarten classes for 3-year-olds” when at the same time the prospects for all-day kindergarten for 5-year-olds, as the minister well knew, were rapidly disappearing over BC’s financial horizon.
However, that did not prevent Bond from claiming that currently, “BC leads the country in early childhood education” when in reality, according to most analysts, BC is close to being dead last.

Continue reading Insatiable Olympic Budget Puts Paid To All-Day Kindergarten In BC
by Noel Herron, retired school principal / former Vancouver school trustee

Daniel Northcott’s Sketches for Roam, One Night: Feb. 15 2009


Click on the poster above for more information on the début of Daniel Northcott’s new film
Sketches for Roam
A New Film by Daniel Northcott
A Benefit, Proceeds to the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation with funds being designated to The Diana Krall Leukemia & BMT Centre

Date: February 15, 2009
Time: Doors open a half-hour in advance of each screening
Three Exclusive Screenings / 4:30 p.m., 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Venue: District 319, 319 Main Street, Vancouver (across from police station)
Admission: $30 advance, or $38 for entrance and donation
Advance Tickets: Information @

On Sunday, February 15, 2009, filmmaker Daniel Northcott will début his new film, Sketches for Roam (here’s an excerpt of the film), at District 319, a state-of-the-art multimedia facility located in Vancouver’s urban core.

A courageous self-portrait of Northcott’s battle with acute myeloid leukemia, and a study of a personal crisis that offers testament to the need to persevere, Sketches for Roam offers the viewer a subjective, elegiac memoir, & a richly rewarding evocation of the filmmaker’s past and present.

At times harrowing, but more a rapturously moving and a gently melancholic visual poem, Sketches for Roam presents a kaleidoscopic odyssey across four continents that is lushly textured, illuminating, heartfelt, brashly emotional, and an earthquake of docu-collage filmmaking.

Advance tickets are available online at, or in-person at Little Sister’s Book and Art Emporium (1238 Davie Street), Zulu Records (1972 West 4th Avenue), Red Cat Records (4307 Main Street), Ayden Gallery (2nd floor, 88 W Pender Street in the Tinseltown Centre), Highlife World Music (1317 Commercial Drive), and Dandelion Records (228 East Broadway, between Main and Kingsway). A limited number of tickets will be available at the door for the three screenings.